
  • 网络amorphous alloy transformer;Amorphous Metal Transformer
  1. 因此,我们研究并开发了非晶合金变压器CAD优化设计软件。它包括电磁优化设计和参数化绘图两大部分。

    So we research and work out an Amorphous Alloy Transformer CAD which includes the electromagnetic optimization design and parametric drawing .

  2. 本文对非晶合金变压器单框铁芯在不同的支撑条件下的振动特性进行研究,寻找支撑边界与振动之间的相关规律,从而达到非晶合金变压器减振降噪的目的。

    This paper has researched on the vibration characteristics of single core amorphous alloy transformer under the different boundary supports , the relation between the support and vibration . The purpose of reduction the amorphous alloy transformer vibration and noise has achieved .

  3. 通过分析非晶合金变压器的技术特点和技术经济性,并与S9、S11系列变压器进行综合效益比较,反映了非晶合金变压器的节能效果。

    Through analyzing the technology character and economy of amorphous alloy transformer and comparing it to transformers of S9 and S11 series it concludes that amorphous alloy transformer has better energy saving effect .

  4. 非晶合金变压器及其节能效果

    The transformer of non-crystal alloy and the effect of energy saving

  5. 非晶合金变压器的发展和在我国的应用及前景

    Development of Non-crystal-alloy Transformer in Abroad and Prospecting Application in China

  6. 三相五柱式非晶合金变压器磁路及其性能参数分析

    Magnetic Circuit , Characteristic and Parameter Analysis of Three-Phase Five-Limb Amorphous Transformer

  7. 非晶合金变压器的节能效果及应用研究

    Application study and energy conservation effect of amorphous core transformer

  8. 非晶合金变压器节能经济效益分析

    Analysis of the Economic Benefits of Amorphous Core Transformer

  9. 非晶合金变压器铁芯振动的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Vibration in Amorphous Alloy Transformer Core

  10. 基于磁路法的非晶合金变压器铁心磁密计算

    Calculation for Flux Density of the Amorphous-Alloy Transformer Core Based on Magnetic Circuit Method

  11. 非晶合金变压器的发展前景

    Development prospects of amorphous core transformers

  12. 推广非晶合金变压器要慎重

    Be Discreet to Develop Amorphous Transformers

  13. 应用总拥有费用法,从经济角度科学地评判非晶合金变压器节能的经济性。

    Based on the total owning cost method , this paper judges the energy-saving economy of amorphous alloys transformer from the view of economy scientifically .

  14. 本课题通过对非晶合金变压器整机进行振动噪声试验研究,得出其振动的主要来源于铁芯的振动。

    The subject of amorphous alloy transformer on machine vibration and noise from experimental research has found out that vibration mainly come from its core .

  15. 然而,我国的非晶合金变压器设计技术并不完善,存在着设计成本高、设计周期长等缺陷。

    However , the skills of amorphous alloy transformer in our country are limited , and it has faults of high cost and long designing time .

  16. 随着国家能源资源日趋紧张以及相关科学发展观政策的颁布,非晶合金变压器以其优越的节能效果,获得了广阔的市场发展空间。

    As energy sources become less and some policies about scientific outlook on development are published , amorphous alloy transformer which uses less raw materials gains a wide market space .

  17. 文章介绍了非晶合金变压器的概况及其节能效果,指出它比传统的硅钢片变压器可降低70%~80%的空载损耗。

    The article introduces the general condition and energy saving effect of amorphous alloy transformer which compares to traditional silicon-steel plate transformer could reduce 70 % ~ 80 % open circuit losses .

  18. 然后分析了变压器制造工艺流程,工艺和工序的监督以及工艺质量控制,非晶合金变压器制造工艺,即变压器各零部件-铁芯、线圈、绝缘件、器身、引线等的制造工艺。

    Secondly , it analyzes production flow of transformer , supervision of craft and process , craft quality control and manufacture process of amorphous alloy transformer such as core , armature , insulation parts , transformer case , fuse , and so on .

  19. 介绍了非晶合金铁心变压器的5种铁心结构方案。

    Five structure versions of amorphous alloy core transformer are introduced .

  20. 非晶合金配电变压器国产化和对材料的要求

    The Localization of Amorphous Alloy Distributing Transformer and Its Demand for Materials

  21. 三相油浸式非晶合金配电变压器铁心节材设计

    Material-Saving Design for Amorphous Core in Three-Phase Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformer

  22. 非晶合金干式变压器的特点及性能分析

    Characteristics and Performance Analysis on Amorphous Alloy Dry-Type Transformer

  23. 推广非晶合金配电变压器的技术措施

    The Technics to Extend the Amorphous Core Transformer

  24. 我国非晶合金配电变压器的应用现状和发展建议

    Recent Condition of Application and Proposal of Development for Amorphous Alloy Distribution Transformer in China

  25. 非晶合金配电变压器的特性初探

    Discussion on Characteristics of Amorphous Distribution Transformer

  26. 非晶合金铁心变压器

    Amorphous Alloy Core Transformer

  27. 文章还建议采用外国的一些优惠政策,以鼓励发展,推广我国的非晶合金配电变压器;

    The suggestions of adopting some foreign preferential policies are presented to encourage developing amorphous alloy distribution transformer in China .

  28. 介绍了非晶合金配电变压器的各种特性,分析了其噪声产生的机理,提出了降低噪声的措施。

    The characteristics of amorphous distribution transformer are introduced . Its noise mechanism is analyzed . The measures to reduce noise are presented .

  29. 文章认为,非晶合金配电变压器节能效果显著,经济性好、应推广应用。

    The paper points out that the effect of energy saving for amorphous alloy distribution transformer is notable , which should be popularized the application .

  30. 为了进一步降低非晶合金配电变压器的成本,提高性能,对非晶合金材料提出了提高工作磁通密度、增加填充系数、适当降低脆性、减少磁致伸缩系数等要求。

    In order to further reduce the cost and improve the performance , to increase flux density and fill factor , and properly reduce the brittleness and magnetostriction coefficient are required .