
duǎn lù shì yàn
  • short-circuit test
  1. 本文主要介绍自行开发的一套380V/25A用于试验高温超导限流器的短路试验系统。

    A380V / 25A short-circuit test system , which is used to test the HTSFCL , is developed and described in this thesis .

  2. 我国电力变压器的短路试验及探讨

    Short-Circuit Test of Power Transformer in Our Country and Its Discussion

  3. 短路试验法测变压器间隔CT变比和极性

    Short-circuit testing method to check the ratio and polarity of transformer compartment CT

  4. PLC在低压电器短路试验中的应用

    Application of PLC in Short Circuit Test of Low Voltage Apparatus

  5. 提出在同步发电机短路试验中应用Prony法实现参数辨识。

    The Prony method is presented to identify parameters of synchronous generators during their three-phase short-circuit tests .

  6. SLIM相对旋转异步电机(RIM)存在气隙大、边缘效应等,若采用RIM开路和短路试验方法,会给参数测量带来较大误差。

    The SLIM parameters have clear errors to the real values on the base of the RIM parameter measurement method because there are larger air gap and edge effect .

  7. 电子开关1500A短路试验

    Research for 1500A Short - circuit Test for the Electronic Switch

  8. 135MW发电机组总起动电气短路试验方法的改进

    Improvement on the method of short circuit test for 135 MW generating unit

  9. 文章在简要介绍TCSC基本原理及运行模式的基础上阐述了该套装置的保护配置,并说明了在现场进行人工接地短路试验时保护动作的情况。

    Here , after briefly introducing the fundamental principle of TCSC and its operating modes , the configuration of the protection for this device is expounded , and the action of the protection during on-site artificial grounding fault test is presented .

  10. 结果表明对200MW及以下的发电机组的短路试验均可采用发电机-变压器组短路试验的方法进行。

    The conclusion is that the method oi generator-transformer short circuit test can be used for generating unit short circuit test of 200 MW and below .

  11. 开关短路试验对系统电压影响的仿真研究

    Simulation of effect of breakers short circuit test on system voltage

  12. 电力系统低压短路试验参数的计算

    Calculation about the Factors of Short Circuit Test in Power System

  13. 短路试验不合格率的分析及对策

    Analysis of Unqualified Rate in Short Circuit Test and Its Countermeasure

  14. 变压器短路试验电流的计算及调试

    Calculation and Debugging of Current in Short-Circuit Tests of Transformers

  15. 从变压器事故实例看短路试验的必要性

    Necessity Explanation of Short-Circuit Test for Transformer by Examples of Transformer Faults

  16. 变压器短路试验方法及发展

    Short - Circuit Test Method of Transformer and Its Development

  17. 单相短路试验的三相试验变压器供电

    Power Supply of Three-Phase Testing Transformer for Single-Phase Short-Circuit Test

  18. 电力系统短路试验合闸角的准确控制

    Accurate Control of Close Angle in Power System Short-circuit Test

  19. 倒向三绕组变压器短路试验及其环流分析

    Short Circuit Experiment and Loop Current Analysis of Three-Winding Transformer of Reverse Direction

  20. 关于配电线路短路试验的商榷

    Discussion on Short - circuit Tests of Distribution Lines

  21. 三相变压器用单相电源进行短路试验时试验电流的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Test Current in Three-Phase Transformer Short-Circuit Test by Single-Phase Power

  22. 自并励机组发电机短路试验及有关参数测定

    Short-circuit Test of Self-shunt-excitation Generator and Related Parameter Determination

  23. 汽车电气线路短路试验与鉴定技术的研究

    Test and Appraisal Technology for Vehicle Electric Circuit Short

  24. 三相不等容铁道牵引变压器的短路试验

    Short-Circuit Test of Traction Transformer with Three-Phase Unequal Capacity

  25. 阻抗匹配平衡牵引变压器短路试验研究

    Research on Short-circuit Test of Impedance-matching Balanced Traction Transformers

  26. 短路试验测量系统主要参数的选择方法

    Selection on Main Parameters of Short-Circuit Test Measurement System

  27. 短路试验原理在变压器干燥处理中的应用

    The Application of the Transformer 's Short Circuit Test Theory in the Dry Treatment

  28. 上海轨道交通3号线供电系统短路试验

    A Short-circuit Test of the Power Supply System in Shanghai Urban Rail Line 3

  29. 同步电机三相突然短路试验结果的计算机分析法

    Computer Method for Analysis of Sudden Three Phase Short Circuit Test of Synchronous Machines

  30. 用短路试验结果判定变压器线圈的股间短路

    Judging the short circuit between plies of power transformer coils based on short circuit test