
  • 网络Short Message Service;sms;SMS Short Message Service;GSM SMS
  1. 本文介绍了基于短消息业务的电源监控系统的组成结构和设计方案。

    This paper introduced the structure and the design proposal of the power source monitor system based on the SMS of GSM .

  2. 中国电信3G短消息业务研究

    Study on 3G SMS for China Telecom

  3. 基于XML的统一短消息业务的研究

    Research on the Service of XML-Based Unified Short Message

  4. 基于WCDMA的短消息业务协议分析

    Analysis of Short Message Service Protocol on the Basis of WCDMA

  5. 基于CAMEL的短消息业务控制功能的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of CAMEL Based SMS Control Function

  6. 本文开发的仿真MSC系统支持语音数据业务及短消息业务。

    The realized MSC simulation system can support Voice and Data and Short Message service .

  7. 如今,第三代移动通信(3G)的浪潮给中国电信带来了新的机遇和挑战,其中的短消息业务倍受重视。

    3G ( the Third Generation Mobile Telecommunication ) and its SMS will undoubtedly bring new challenge and opportunity to it .

  8. 介绍了国内外短消息业务的概况和协议标准,并用简易的方法实现了基于Internet网站的短消息发送业务。

    This paper introduces the general situation of SMS on the civil and abroad , protocol standard and uses a single method to implement the SMS dispatch base on the internet network station .

  9. MMS(多媒体短消息业务)及其实现

    Multimedia Messaging Service and Its Realization

  10. 第四部分采用先进的GPRS通信技术实现桥梁应变数据的远程传输,研究GPRS技术的结构和特点,重点介绍其短消息业务;

    The forth part uses advance GPRS communication technology to finish the remote data transmission , researches into the configuration and characteristic of GPRS technology , emphasizes its short message service .

  11. 目前TD-SCDMA数据卡是一种比较流行的移动终端,具有数据业务、短消息业务、MMS(彩信)业务和部分CS业务功能。

    TD-SCDMA Data Card is a kind of current popular mobile terminal , with Data Services , Short Message Services , MMS Business and part of CS operations .

  12. 用UUS实现ISDN短消息业务

    Implementation of ISDN Short Message Service with UUS

  13. 再次,本论文对WiFi-CDMA终端在FMC网络中的短消息业务的接入问题进行了分析;并对FMC网络短消息业务进行了改进,以适应未来IMS网络的发展要求。

    Thirdly , this paper studies short message of WiFi-CDMA dual terminal in FMC network , and it also makes an improvement for the future development of IMS .

  14. 涡街流量计的使用环境复杂,使用RS232进行数据传输已经逐渐地不能满足用户的要求,而短消息业务具有RS232无与伦比的优越性,所以采用短消息业务来完成小流量数据传输已经越来越受欢迎。

    The use environment of vortex flowmeter is complicated . So data transmission with RS232 becomes unsuitable for users ' needs gradually . With incomparable advantages of SMS over RS232 , it becomes more and more welcome to use SMS for the transmission of small-streamed data .

  15. 中国联通短消息业务联网系统设计与技术创新

    The Design and Technology Innovation of China Unicom Uni-Info System

  16. 移动短消息业务在献血服务中的应用

    Application of Mobile Short Message Service in the Service after Blood Donation

  17. 短消息业务有着其广大的应用人群和成熟的市场规模。

    Short message service is widely used in public and mature market .

  18. 中国电信综合短消息业务系统设计

    Design of China Telecom Integrated Short Message Service System

  19. 近几年来,无论是在国内还是国外,短消息业务均取得了爆炸性的增长。

    In recent years it has achieved expansive growth at home and abroad .

  20. 面向对象技术在短消息业务中的应用

    Application of Object Oriented Technologies in Short Message Service

  21. 基于短消息业务的新型远程智能抄表系统

    A New Remote Intelligent AMRS Based on SMS

  22. 短消息业务的发展与需求

    Development and Requirement Of Short Messaging Service

  23. 短消息业务应用系统

    The Application System of Short Message Service

  24. 预付费用户实现短消息业务的关键技术分析

    Analysis of Key Techniques for the Implementation of Short Message Service for Prepaid Service User

  25. 无线智能网短消息业务实现机制研究

    The Study of the Implementation Mechanism for the Short Message Service in Wireless Intelligent Network

  26. 据统计,短消息业务每年为运营商带来十几甚至几十亿人民币的收入。

    According to statistic , short message service brings the carriers several hundred million RMB incomes .

  27. 基于短消息业务的动态口令方案

    Dynamic Password Scheme Based on SMS

  28. 最后,对短消息业务的时延、吞吐量、可靠性等性能进行了分析。

    At last , the delay , throughput , reliability of Short Message Service is analyzed .

  29. 短消息业务以文本信息为主要的传输内容,同时支持数字或二进制数据等非文本数据的传输,是一种有别于话音业务的通信方式。

    SMS is mainly used for deliver text message , also supporting numeral and binary data .

  30. 短消息业务的成功离不开通信技术及网络的支持、市场的需求、组织良好的产业链这三个要素。

    They are the support of telecom technology and network , marketing demand , the organized-well business chain .