
  • 网络Mobile Device Management;mdm
  1. 移动设备管理软件让管理员可以远程清除设备上的数据。

    MDM software lets administrators remotely wipe a device clean of data .

  2. 移动设备管理系统必须能够定位遗失或被盗的手机,自动锁定,在发现有人意图入侵手机系统时清除手机内容所有一切都不需要用户介入。

    MDM systems must be able to locate a lost or stolen phone , lock it automatically and wipe the contents if there is evidence of an attempt at hacking all without the intervention of the user .

  3. (周一,谷歌在Atmosphere云计算大会上宣布,其企业应用套件新增功能包括更强的移动设备管理能力,以及为企业客户提供全天候电话支持。)

    ( the latest additions to Google Apps for business , announced at atmosphere on Monday , include more mobile device management capabilities and 24 / 7 phone support for business customers ) .

  4. 就在本周,移动设备管理初创企业MobileIron也发布了专门针对安卓的新型安全平台。

    And just this week mobile device management startup mobileiron unveiled a new security platform especially for Android .

  5. 高通这次收购的专利包括名不副实的PDA公司Palm,iPAQ掌上电脑项目,以及惠普2006年收购的移动设备管理公司奔峰(Bitfone)。

    The portfolio includes patents from palm , the fabled PDA company , as well as the IPAQ Pocket PC project and bitfone , the mobile device management company acquired by HP in 2006 .

  6. 科技行业研究公司Gartner的劳伦斯·平格里(LawrencePingree)表示,BYOD趋势从大约两年前开始兴起以来,多数大公司都采用了移动设备管理系统,以管理不断增加的便携式科技产品。

    Since the BYOD trend started gaining momentum about two years ago , most large companies have adopted mobile device management systems to cover the expanding number of tech products that workers tote around , said Lawrence Pingree of technology research firm Gartner .

  7. 这套解决方案被称为“三星360企业服务”(Samsung360ServicesforBusiness),内容包括软件、服务和技术支持,目标客户是那些想要对职场内部使用的移动设备加以管理的公司,旨在为他们提供一套一站式的服务。

    The package , called Samsung 360 Services for Business , includes software , services , and technical support . It 's intended to be a one-stop shop for businesses that seek to manage mobile devices in the workplace .

  8. 多种移动终端设备管理模式的研究与实现

    Research and implementation on management of multiple mobile terminal devices

  9. 我国铁路运输系统是一个复杂的庞大系统,基础设备的维修管理是其中的重要组成部分,包括固定设备和移动设备的管理。

    Chinese railway transportation system is a complex huge system , the maintenance management of railway transportation infrastructure is one of the important components , including fixed devices and movable equipments management .

  10. 据旅行服务公司Travelport和公司旅行管理协会调查,只有四分之一的公司设立了关于员工旅行中利用移动设备的管理规定。

    Only one in four companies had a policy governing mobile devices as they related to employee travel , according to research by the travel distribution service Travelport and the Association of Corporate Travel Executives .

  11. 照度传感器改善移动设备的电源管理

    Illumination Sensors Improve Power Management in Mobile Applications

  12. 基于工作流的移动设备资源动态管理方案研究

    Workflow-Based Dynamic Resource Management for Mobile Devices

  13. 实践证明,该系统有效的提高了移动基站设备的管理效率和利用率。

    The reality result shows this management system truly improve the efficiency and capacity of Mobile base station devices .

  14. 基于移动Agent的嵌入式设备管理方案

    Scheme for Embedded Devices Management Based Mobile Agent

  15. 基于WINDOWSCE移动终端设备的电源管理设计

    The Power Management Design for Mobile Terminal Devices Based on Windows CE

  16. 采用可扩展标记语言配置访问协议(ExtensibleMarkupLanguageConfigurationAccessProtocol,XCAP)服务器,允许支持XCAP客户机的移动设备和应用程序管理组信息。

    An Extensible Markup Language Configuration Access Protocol ( XCAP ) server allows mobile devices and applications that support an XCAP client to manage group information .

  17. 需要一个对移动存储设备进行综合管理的平台,因此必须解决可移动存储设备的识别问题。

    A general management software is needed , and the problem of identifying the removable storage device must be solved .

  18. 随着数据安全管理系统的出现,统一规范移动存储介质设备的管理,阻止内部重要信息的外泄,保证内部重要信息的安全。

    The appearance of " data security management system of internet " standardizes the mobile storage device managements , prevents important internal information from leaking and enhances security .

  19. 这很重要,因为你将很可能需要了解移动应用管理(MAM),移动设备管理(MDM),移动安全和BYOD(携带自己的设备)。

    This resolution is a big one as you will most likely need to learn about mobile application management ( MAM ), mobile device management ( MDM ), mobile security and BYOD ( bring your own device ) .

  20. 虽然我们只不过谈了信息安全的皮毛,但信息安全却是部署移动应用程序时需要关注的首要问题之一,而移动设备管理在这方面同样起着重要作用。

    While we have only briefly touched on information security , it 's one of the top concerns when deploying mobile applications , and MDM plays a big role there as well .