
yí dòng shì
  • mobile;movable type
移动式[yí dòng shì]
  1. 《公共部分》这本书提醒我们,每当新技术(比如日益发展的网络社交能力或者移动式印刷机)出现的时候,人们最初的反应常常都是恐惧。

    At best , public parts is a reminder that when any new technology is introduced be it the growing social capabilities of the Internet or the movable type of the printing press the immediate reaction is often fear .

  2. 移动式GIS发展的关键技术及应用前景

    The key technology of mobile GIS development and its application prospects

  3. 智能移动式定题检索Agent的研究与设计

    On the intelligent mobile agent for customizable subject retrieval

  4. 移动式CT在神经外科手术中的应用

    The applications of mobile CT in neurosurgical operation

  5. 双直线电机驱动的龙门移动式加工中心H∞鲁棒自适应控制

    Robust Adaptive Control for Double Linear Motor Drive of Gantry Moving Type Machining Centers

  6. 诊断用X射线管防护罩移动式诊断X射线机

    Diagnostic-type protective tube housing mobile diagnostic X-ray apparatus

  7. 移动式诊断X射线机

    Mobile diagnostic X-ray apparatus X-ray diffraction pattern computer

  8. 基于POCKETPC的移动式温度监测仪的开发

    Development of Mobile Temperature Monitor Based on Pocket PC

  9. 移动式X射线探伤防护车

    Mobile Preventer for X Radiographic Testing

  10. 基于CCD的数字化移动式X线机的研制

    Development of digital mobile x-ray unit based on CCD

  11. 嵌入式Linux系统在移动式NC中的应用

    Application of embedded Linux to mobile NC

  12. 加工大件的5轴CNC龙门移动式机床

    5-axis CNC Gantry Machine for Large Parts Machining

  13. 移动式工业X射线检测头及机械手控制系统的研究

    Design of control system of the inspecting device and manipulator of the moving industry X - ray inspecting system

  14. 因此,需要采用先进的CAD技术改变传统的二维设计方法,开发出相应的移动式钻井平台CAD软件。

    Therefore , advanced CAD technology must been apply to change the traditional two-dimensional design method and develop corresponding CAD softwares for mobile drilling platform .

  15. 根据应用环境不同UHFRFID读写器分为固定式与可移动式。

    UHF RFID transceiver can be divided into fixed and mobile depending on the application environment .

  16. 目的探讨GPRS移动式心电监护系统ECG信号QRS波的实时检测算法。

    Objective To develop a real-time QRS complex detection algorithm of dynamic ECG signals for the GPRS mobile telemonitoring system .

  17. GEO的墙体采用可拆组、可移动式的隔墙。

    GEO office adopts a kind of wall body that can be dismantled and moved .

  18. 该算法具有多项式级的计算复杂度,已成功应用于移动式远程心电监护系统ECG信号的实时分析。

    The method with computation complexity of polynomial order , has been successfully applied to the real-time analysis of signals in mobile ECG telemonitoring systems .

  19. 移动式C3I系统导航定位问题的建模和仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of the Navigation and Location Problems for Mobile C 3I System

  20. 方法使用ANATOM移动式CT对63例神经外科手术中和手术后的颅内情况进行影像学研究,判断病变的切除程度和手术中发生的异常改变。

    Methods Imaging data were studied using ANATOM mobile CT in 63 intra - and post-neurosurgical operations .

  21. 主要介绍PDA在移动式病历系统,移动式诊断仪器方面的应用和采用最新无线传输技术的PDA在医学诊断仪器设计中的应用。

    And we mainly talked about the applications of PDA in wireless medical record system , potable medical diagonal device and the newest wireless technology .

  22. 在这种办公模式和无线网络的支持下,人们通过便携式智能终端如智能手机、PDA、笔记本,就可实现移动式办公。

    In this office mode , with the support of wireless networks , people can achieve mobile office through portable intelligent terminals such as smart phones , PDA , laptop .

  23. 移动式海上基地(MobileOffshoreBase,MOB)是由若干半潜模块相连而成的超大型浮式结构物。

    Mobile Offshore Base ( MOB ) is a kind of very large floating structure which is composed by several semi-submersible platforms connected in a line .

  24. MSY·80型移动式脉冲气力输送机的介绍

    An Introduction to MSY-80 Type Portable Pulse Pneumatic Conveyer

  25. 该系统采用分布式监测&集中管理并配合移动式抄表的结构,由低压停电监测仪、便携式抄表机和一个基于Web的管理信息系统(MIS)组成。

    This system adopts the " distributed monitoring centralized management of a mobile meter reading " structure which is composed of a low voltage power cut monitor , a portable meter reader and a Web based management information system ( MIS ) .

  26. 人类正进入后PC时代,以个人数字助理(PDA)为代表的移动式计算系统日益普及,使得人们可以在移动中使用计算机,实现移动办公。

    Mankind is entering " post PC era ", and the mobile computing system , such as PDA is becoming increasingly common , we can use computers when we are moving to deal with our office work .

  27. 提出了一种用于移动式激光通信的微型阵列式激光收发集成传感器,采用MOEMS(微光机电系统)技术进行集成,系统结构可靠,体积小、重量轻。

    This system is integrated with MOEMS technology . Its structure is reliable . The size is small and the weight is light .

  28. 在系统硬件设计中,对主要硬件移动式DVR设备、车载云台、手控键盘及其周边电路进行了详细的描述。

    In the system hardware design , the main hardware devices mobile DVR , vehicle head , hands and around the keyboard control circuit is described in detail .

  29. 企业级RFID应用中涉及到的相关软硬件设备多种多样,包括固定式读写器、传感器、移动式设备、边缘控制服务器、数据处理中心服务器等等。

    Enterprise-class RFID applications involve in a wide variety of related hardware and software , including fixed readers , sensors , mobile devices , wireless access devices , edge control server , data processing center server and so on .

  30. 针对龙门移动式镗铣加工中心同步传动不一致性问题进行研究,应用干扰观测器来抑制加工中心双直线电机驱动的X轴方向上由于外部力矩干扰以及模型参数变化等因素造成的不同步现象。

    The inconsistency of the synchronous drive for gantry-moving type boring-milling machining centers is studied . Disturbance Observer is used in dual linear servo motors X-drifts of gantry-moving type boring-milling machining centers to reject the asynchronous phenomenon caused by the parameters variation and outer torques .