
cè kòng
  • Measurement and control;observe and control
测控 [cè kòng]
  • [observe and control] 观察、测定,遥控

  • 卫星发射中心一直对卫星进行测控

测控[cè kòng]
  1. 基于IP接口技术的测控仪器网络化实现

    Implement of networked observe and control instruments based on IP interface

  2. 提升机钢丝绳张力测控系统及应用

    Observe and control system and application of hoist steel rope tension

  3. 嵌入式Web传感器使测控不受时间、地点、环境等因素的限制,在很大程度上扩展了测控的范围。

    Embedded Web Sensor extends the range of monitor and control .

  4. 基于单片机和虚拟仪器的Web远程测控系统

    The Web Remote Measure Control System Based on Single-chip and Virtual Instrument

  5. 嵌入式WEB石油管道测控服务器

    The Realization of Embedded-Web Monitoring Server of Oil-pipeline

  6. GPS在导弹测控中的应用

    The use of GPS in the field of missile measurement and control

  7. 鉴监测控系统的LED显示电路研制

    Development for LED Display circuits of Discrimination , Supervision , Measurement and Control System

  8. 基于Linux的嵌入式工业测控系统

    Based on Linux of Embedded Measure and Control System of Industry

  9. 基于DSP的超声电机测控平台的研究

    Study on Measuring & Controlling Platform for Ultrasonic Motors Based on DSP

  10. 基于模糊PID技术的地铁转向架测控系统

    The Railway Bogie Measurement and Control System Based on Fuzzy PID Technology

  11. 基于DSP的电力系统谐波测控设计

    Power System Harmonic Monitoring and Control Design with DSP

  12. 基于单片机PID算法的直流电机测控系统

    Measurement and Control System of Direct Current Electromotor Based on PID and SCM

  13. NI测控技术在水下声波测控中的应用

    Application of NI Test and Control Technology on Underwater Sonic Wave DAQ

  14. 基于DSP的先进飞机电气系统测控终端的设计

    Design of Measurement and Control Terminal of Advanced Aero Electrical System Based on DSP

  15. 基于PC的网络测控监视系统方案

    Solution of PC-Based Measuring and Monitoring Network

  16. 便携式测控仪器中非标准键盘与工控PC接口的一种方案

    A Novel Interface Between Non standard Keyboard and Industrial PC In Portable Measurement & Control Instruments

  17. 低温恒温箱测控系统的接口设计与PID调节

    Interface design and PID adjustment of low temperature and constant temperature box test and control system

  18. 基于DSP和CPLD的张力测控系统在印刷机中的应用

    Application of Tension Measure and Control System Based on DSP and CPLD in Printing

  19. 提出一种采用双CPU的新型智能温控仪表一个CPU完成测控功能,内嵌智能算法,实现对温度的精确控制;

    A new kind of Intellectual Temperature Control Meter is introduced in this paper .

  20. 本配变台区测控系统以DSP数字信号处理器为核心,选用高精度的A/D转换芯片、专用接口芯片等优化组合构成。

    This device is composed of DSP microprocessor , high precision A / D converter and special interface chip .

  21. 本文介绍了ARM在配网综合保护测控装置中的应用。

    This paper has introduced that the ARM had been applied on distribution synthetic protect / measure and control device .

  22. 用VB实现测控系统中数字量的语音播放

    The implementation of play back the numeric voice in measure and control system with VB

  23. 对航天测控领域引入GPS技术应用于载人航天工程中着陆场系统搜索救援工作的必要性进行了讨论;

    This paper describes the necessity to introduce GPS technology into the search and rescue activities in manned spaceflight landing site .

  24. NI测控产品以及虚拟软、硬件技术在卫星测控中的应用

    Application of NI Test and Control Products and Virtual Software , Hardware Technology in the satellite Test and Control

  25. 随着GPS技术的发展,靶场的测控也在逐步由地基测控网过渡到天地结合的一体化综合测控网。

    With the development of GPS technology , range instrumentation has been transitioning from ground-based instrumentation networks to integrated space-based and ground-based instrumentation networks .

  26. 提出了以XML作为数据交换中心的仪器远程Web测控及相应的测控系统软件模型。

    Combined with VI technology , the method of instrument Web measurement and control which is based on XML data exchange , and its software model , is proposed .

  27. CCSDS协议分析与CORTEX测控终端开发

    CCSDS Protocol Analysis and CORTEX Monitor Terminal Development

  28. IPC工控机上测控软件设计的一种方法

    A New Method of Designing for Measurement & Control Software Based on PC Bus Industrial Computer

  29. SCADA系统在油田抽油机远程测控中的应用

    The Application of SCADA System to the Remote Supervisory and Control of Pumping Wells in Oil Field

  30. 研究了虚拟仪器的多种远程测控技术,实现了基于RemotePanel技术的远程实物实验系统;

    Has studied many kinds of remote observations and controls technology of the virtual instrument , has realized remote material object experiment system based on ' Remote Panel ' technology ;