
  • 网络Testability;testablity;Design for Test
  1. Air(初三适用)地空导弹系统可测试性设计

    Design for Testability in Ground to Air Missile

  2. Air(初三适用)防空导弹的测试性研究

    Testability Research of the Air Defence Missile

  3. 字段注入会影响可测试性,特别是将字段标记为private时。

    Field injection harms testability , especially if you mark the fields private .

  4. 有时候策略与SOA活动的安全性及可测试性会产生混淆。

    Sometimes policy is confused with security and testability of an SOA initiative .

  5. COM技术在软件可测试性中的应用

    Application of COM Technology in Improving ATS Software Testability

  6. SoC的可测试性设计是其中的重点项目。

    Design-for-Test for SoC is the main project .

  7. SOC可测试性设计与测试技术

    Design-for-Testability and Test Technologies for System-on-a-Chip

  8. 针对ASIC中记忆部件的易测试性设计技术

    The DFT Technology for the Memory Units in ASIC

  9. 附带的好处是这些数据绑定框架在与适当的GUI设计模式结合使用时能够提高可测试性。

    As an added benefit , they can also increase testability when combined with proper GUI design patterns .

  10. 在分析CORBA组件的可测试性的基础上,给出了一种基于契约的组件测试方法。

    After analyzing the testability of the CORBA components , we put forward a contract-based CORBA components testing method .

  11. OOP对软件可测试性的影响的研究

    Research for the influence of OOP on software testability

  12. 基于BST的空空导弹测试性设计

    Air-to-Air Missile 's Testability Design Based on BST

  13. 结合随机图理论以及扩展PIE模型,提出了一种新的面向对象软件可测试性计算模型。

    A new computation model for object-oriented software testability by applying random graph theory to the extended PIE technique is put forward .

  14. 近年来出现的DES理论为数模混合电路的可测试性提供一种的系统化的处理方法。

    The DBS theory that is developed in the recent years gave a systemic method for the mixed-signal circuits test and fault-diagnosis .

  15. 虚拟化基础设施有助于实现nanoHUB的可测试性和安全性。

    The virtualization infrastructure contributes to nanoHUB 's testability and security .

  16. 介绍了利用LASAR故障仿真进行数字电路可测试性分析的方法。

    How to analysis the testability of a digital circuit using the LASAR software was introduced .

  17. 随着VLSI电路的广泛使用,复杂PCB板上的开路、桥接和固定逻辑故障的比例逐渐上升,可测试性明显下降。

    With the wide use of VLSI , the percentage of the open faults , bridging faults and stuck logic faults are rising in the complex PCB , and the testability of PCB is becoming more difficult .

  18. 首先从特殊的两级电路,ETGPLA,着手进行可测试性分析。ETGPLA是一种逻辑功能测试向量产生复杂度与乘积线数成正比的两级电路。

    First , the thesis analyzes the delay fault testability of ETG PLA , which is a kind of two-level circuit with test generation complexity being linear to the number of products .

  19. 针对某机电跟踪与稳定伺服平台的测试性设计需求,采用本文提出的方法,对其进行了FMEA分析,为确定系统的BIT结构打下了较好的基础。

    To realize the testability specifications of a mechatronic track and stable servo platform , a complete FMEA task is performed based on methods proposed in this paper . Some important results that are very helpful to further BIT design of the platform are obtained .

  20. 基于软件的故障/失效模型,构建了嵌入式软件可测试性量化检测的SETM理论模型,并设计实现了基于该理论模型的可测试性检测工具。

    Based on Fault / Failure Model , this article has constructed the software testability quantification examination SETM model , and has designed and realized the measuring tool based on this model .

  21. 电子系统的设计必须考虑可测试性。

    The design for digital electronic systems must consider the testability .

  22. 系统可测试性与航空武器系统

    The System Testability and Its Effects on the Aviation Weapon Systems

  23. 于是,人们引入了可测试性设计方法来解决这个问题。

    Design for Testability was proposed to solve the problem .

  24. 数模混合电路可测试性的若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems about Testability of the Mixed-signal Circuits

  25. 计算机辅助测试性设计中的测试性改善最大化问题研究

    Research on Testability Improvement Maximizing in Computer-aided Designing for Testability

  26. 可测试性设计在仿真中应用研究

    A Study on Design for Testability of the Application in the Simulation

  27. 机载计算机数字模块的可测试性工程设计

    Design For Testing in Digital SRUs Of Airborne Computer

  28. 它提高了构件的可测试性,可靠性,与测试的充分性。

    It improves the testability , reliability , and sufficiency of the component .

  29. 他们不断的检查代码,以确保其可测试性。

    They refactor code to make it more testable .

  30. 系统级可测试性设计的研究

    A Study of the System Level Design for Testability