
  • 网络Test antenna;Measure Antenna
  1. EMC测试中天线系数的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Antenna Factor in EMC Test

  2. 用Protel软件和印制电路板技术将设计的两款天线加工成型,在微波暗室中测试了天线的增益和方向图。

    The two type antennas are fabricated by the use of Protel software and PCB technology , and are tested the antenna gain and patterns in the microwave unreflected chamber .

  3. 测试雷达天线俯仰旋钮及雷达天线俯仰的模拟显示;

    Testing the contrling knob and the simulative display of the pitching of the radar antenna .

  4. 电性能测试中天线罩最小透波率为84%,全部电参数均满足要求;

    The minimum power transmission efficiency of the radome is84 % ; all parameter meet the requirement .

  5. 针对静止轨道通信卫星在轨测试期间天线方向图测试的需求,分析了天线方向图测试的方法。

    To meet requirements of the test of antenna pattern of geostationary communication satellites , this paper analyses the method for the test of antenna pattern .

  6. 阐述了用聚焦法在菲涅尔区测试相控阵天线的理论依据及实现方法,用实验结果对近远场方向图进行了比较。

    There are many methods to measure the pattern of phased array antenna , such as the technique of plane scanning in near field , focusing method in Fresnel zone , general method in far field , etc.

  7. 测试了RF天线的频率特性。

    Frequency response of the RF antenna has been tested .

  8. 电磁干扰自动测试转台及天线定位塔

    The turntable and the Antenna Positioning Tower for EMI Automatic Measurement

  9. 用于纳秒级脉冲电场测试的加载天线研究

    Research on loaded antenna for nanosecond pulsed E - field s measurement

  10. 平面近场测试系统在天线测试和诊断中的应用

    The Application of Plane Near-Field Measurement System in Antenna Measurement and Diagnosis

  11. 测试状态下天线重力产生的变形的确定

    Determining the Gravitational Distortion of an Antenna Under Test

  12. 海杂波测试2.4米天线系统的结构设计

    Sea Clutter Testing 2.4m Antenna System ' Mechanism Design

  13. 在以往的测试中,天线的射频性能和音频性能都是分开测试的。

    In the past testing activity , the radio and audio performance were measured separately .

  14. 加工并测试了试验天线,计算与实验结果吻合较好。

    A test fractal microstrip antenna is made and the measurement shows good agreement between the numerical calculations and the experimental results .

  15. 根据仿真结果,选取效果较好的电阻加载天线和新型套筒天线进行了制作,并通过一系列测试手段对天线的电性能进行了测试,实测结果与仿真结果基本吻合。

    According to the simulation results , this thesis selects two better antennas . Resistive loading antenna and new sleeve antenna were produced and tested the electrical properties through a series of tests . The measured results and simulation results are basically same .

  16. 用串馈矩阵开关BIT测试系统对相控阵天线的检测、校正及补偿

    Calibration and Compensation for Active Phased Antenna Using Series Travelling-Wave Matrix-Switch Built-in Test System

  17. 介绍了该测试系统测量雷达天线微小转角的原理、测试系统的结构、PSD器件的基本原理,数据采集及处理系统的硬件和软件实现。

    The test theory of the system in testing slightly rotational angle of SAR antenna , the construction of the test system , the principium of PSD , the hardware and software implement of signal detection and processing system are introduced .

  18. 测试结果表明该天线工作在6GHz左右,带宽(S11<-10dB)约为11%,E面和H面的3dB波瓣宽度分别为57o和70o,可用带宽内增益约为8dBi。

    The tested two-layer antenna works at 6.1 GHz with a bandwidth ( S11 ≤ - 10dB ) of about 11 % , 8-dBi gain . The 3-dB beamwidth in the E-plane and H-plane is 57o and 70o , respectively .

  19. 利用仿真软件分析设计了一种缝隙耦合微带天线(ACMA),制作了试验天线,天线的测试结果表明,天线相位中心稳定性良好,可以满足差分双频GPS定位系统要求。

    In this paper , a test aperture coupled microstrip antenna ( ACMA ) is designed through a simulation software . The test results indicate a good APC stability , and show that the performances of the antenna can fully meet the requirement of the differential , double-frequency GPS system .

  20. 某小型雷达罩电性能测试用高精度天线座设计

    Structure Design of a Precise Miniature Radome Performance Test Pedestal

  21. 用于电磁兼容测试的双锥天线矩量法建模与计算

    Application of MOM in Modeling and Computing of Biconical Antenna Used in EMC Tests

  22. 介绍了微机械天线测试场,对天线参数进行了误差分析;

    The antenna measurement fields are introduced , then error analysis of parameters developed .

  23. 测试结果表明,天线阻抗与仿真趋势基本一致。

    The measurements show that the antenna is basically the same as the simulation .

  24. 初步测试结果验证该天线阵在波束不扫描状态时的宽频带特性。

    Preliminary measurement results in Chapter 5 verified the broadband characteristics of the linear array without beam scanning .

  25. 用计算机仿真和实验测试数据分析了天线副瓣对机载脉冲多普勒雷达地杂波的影响。

    The influence of the antenna sidelobe on the ground clutter received by airborne pulsed doppler radar is analyzed by computer simulation and experimental data .

  26. 然后通过相应的数据计算,再经过现场测试,从而确定天线类型、架设高度和电台的功率。

    Then the type of antenna , the height of spanning and power of radio station are decided by data calculation and testing in site .

  27. 以S波段2×4单元缝隙阵的阵面分析计算和设计制作为例,测试与仿真的天线特性符合良好。

    As an example , an S-waveband slot array of 2 × 4 elements is designed , and the measured and simulated results are agreed well with each other .

  28. 其中两款4元双天线是为双天线体制毫米波雷达前端而设计,测试结果表明双天线具有较高的隔离度,它们已成功应用到小型毫米波双天线雷达前端系统。

    Two of them are double-antenna arrays designed for MMW radar front-end . Good isolations are proved , and both double-antenna arrays have been applied to compact radar front-end successfully .

  29. 将电场积分方程和动量方法相结合解算出天线的电流。脉冲测试函数和螺旋天线轮廓精确匹配。

    The electric field integral equation is used with the moment method to solve for the currents on the antenna , and the triangle basis and pulse testing functions exactly follow the contour of the helix antenna .

  30. 设计采用PCI9054+FPGA实现高速数据传输接口,电磁环境自动测试系统硬件由天线、放大器、频谱分析仪、计算机、打印机组成,软件采用模块化设计。

    The designment adopts PCI9054 + FPGA to realize the high speed data transmission interface , the electromagnetic environment automatical testing system hardware makes up of antenna , amplifier , spectro-analyzer , computer and printer , the software adopts modularize designment .