
  • 网络Test Objective;test target;test object;TSS&TP
  1. 记录测试目标无法提供所需数据的所有领域。

    Document any areas where the test target cannot provide the data requested .

  2. 所以,将这个用例的测试目标设置为每小时12738个事务。

    The test target of this case was set at 12738 transactions per hour .

  3. 方法以N环戊烯基吗啉、邻甲氧基苯甲醛及多种胺类为原料,经多步反应合成目标化合物,并以二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀模型测试目标化合物的抗炎活性。

    Methods The target compounds were synthesized from the cyclopentanone , o-methoxybenzaldehyde and amines and were evaluated with the model of xylene-induced ear edema in mice .

  4. PSC单字试题中语素字对测试目标的影响

    Interferences of Morpheme Characters with PSC Examination

  5. CET-4测试目标评析

    An analysis of CET-4 testing purposes

  6. 令人满意的RPT是否实现了您的性能测试目标(也就是,强调您的系统)?

    Did RPT satisfactory accomplish your performance test goals ( i.e. , stressed your system )?

  7. 利用循环,可以将一个API测试目标的所有测试排列都放在一个测试计划中,这使得编写测试用例的速度至少快了20倍。

    With looping , you can put all of the test permutations for a single API test target in a single test plan , which makes test cases at least 20 times faster to write .

  8. CPTS-1是一个以COBOL程序为测试目标,为提高测试效率而实现的一个软件测试环境。

    CPTS-1 is a software testing environment , the purpose of which is testing COBOL programs and enhancing testing efficiency .

  9. 要成为一个ACHDS专业,你需要完成所有ACHDS测试目标。

    To become a ACHDS Professional , you need to complete all the ACHDS test objectives .

  10. 根据JOHNLYONS(1995)对于词义的划分标准,本研究选取三种词义作为同义词测试目标:概念意义的侧重点,情感意义与文体意义。

    According to John Lyons ( 1995 )' classification of word-meaning , we choose three aspects of synonymic meaning as our test subjects : the emphatic aspect of conceptual meaning , the affective meaning and the stylistic meaning .

  11. 例如,假设存在一个Widget应用程序,其中,特定的对于业务致关重要的方法(如createWidget())是严格的性能限制的测试目标。

    For example , imagine a Widget application where certain business-critical methods , such as the aptly named createWidget (), are the target of stringent performance thresholds .

  12. 运行设置应当反映测试目标。

    The run settings should reflect the goals of your load test .

  13. 教学测试目标与素质教育关系浅析

    Analysis of the Relationship between Academic Assessment Objective and Quality

  14. 这种接触没有干涉单元或者验收测试目标。

    This exposure does not interfere with unit or acceptance tester objectives .

  15. 在该文中叙述了测试目标特性和主要测试功能。

    Test object characteristics and main test functions are described in the paper .

  16. 谈历史学科应用能力的测试目标

    On the test aims of the application ability in history in mixed arts

  17. 直升机与树林复合测试目标识别算法研究

    The Research of Target Recognition Algorithm from Composite Measurement on the Helicopter and Jungle

  18. 定义业务目标,测试目标以及进入和输出标准

    Define business objectives , test objectives , quality goals , and entrance and exit criteria

  19. 高级管理者评审并批准整个软件系统的评价和测试目标。

    Senior management reviews and approves the overall evaluation and testing objectives for the software system .

  20. 我们的测试目标是为了提供针对系统多样化和玩家所在地都具有最高兼容性的服务。

    Our goal is to have a good variety of system types and locations to best test compatibility .

  21. 试卷紧扣测试目标,出卷方便快捷。

    The examination papers threads up the test goal and the compilation of test question is convenient and speedy .

  22. 从测试目标上看,强调以具体的学科知识为背景测查学生的数学思维方法及问题解决、推理、数学应用与交流等多方面数学基本能力。

    The target of this test will emphasize the measure of mathematics thinking method and the problem solving , reasoning and mathematics application .

  23. 同时为了不对测试目标造成破坏,对于某些可能会对测试对象造成负面影响的攻击方法和手段,在渗透测试中也不建议使用。

    Meanwhile , in order not to damage the test objectives , some attack methods are not recommended because of the potential negative impact .

  24. 结构通式如下:2.利用除草平皿法NY/T1155.1-2006测试目标化合物的室内除草活性。

    The following is general formula : 2 . Use of " weed plate method NY / T 1155.1-2006 " indoor test herbicidal activity of target compounds .

  25. 两位学者选择自称正在热恋的学生作为测试目标,利用脑扫描仪对他们的大脑活动模式进行观测。

    They took students who said they were madly in love , put them into a brain scanner , and looked at their patterns of brain activity .

  26. 另一方面,由于被测试目标的软硬件设备更新及技术的发展,也存在着扫描不到漏洞的现象。

    On the other hand , owing to the tested target 's soft and hardware equipments renewal and technical developments , these vulnerabilities may be not detected .

  27. 文章对测试目标的确定、试卷的编制、测试对象的选择、测试的环境控制、测试的操作规程及测试的全过程都有较完整的介绍。

    The whole process of the testing like determining target , choosing objects , making test paper , controling testing environment and operation rules was introduced in details .

  28. 首先介绍攻击仿真的测试目标和内容,并提出了攻击仿真系统和仿真平台的设计和实现的详细方案;

    First of all , the testing aims and contents of attack simulation are proposed . Then , the design and implementation of the attack simulation platform are presented in detail .

  29. 该文基于软件质量特性,从测试目标、内容、方法等方面介绍了该类应用的系统测试,具有较强的实践指导意义。

    Based on software quality characteristics , this article proposes the objects , contents , methods and remarks to execute the system test of Web application , which has the stronger meaning in fulfillment .

  30. 本论文最后根据课题研究目标制定了测试目标,针对每一个目标,分别进行了详细的功能与性能测试,验证了一致性测试系统的正确性。

    Finally , according to the research target to develop the test objectives , a detailed functional and performance testing for each target , respectively , to verify the correctness of the conformance test system .