
dào xiàng
  • inverted image;reversed image
倒像[dào xiàng]
  1. 说她进步了听起来倒像是一种讽刺。

    Saying she 's improved comes over as a backhanded compliment .

  2. 发生了一次爆炸,没听到一声轰然巨响,倒像是地震那样地面猛晃了晃。

    There came an explosion , not so much a bang as a shaking like an earthquake .

  3. 奶奶不太像奶奶——倒像是来自故乡的母老虎,她已经几十年没有露出过笑脸了。

    Grandma is something else — a battle-axe from the old country who hasn 't smiled in decades .

  4. 周二,随着约翰-帕克森声明出炉,科比――公牛惊天大交易终于告一段落,这看起来倒像一出NBA或媒体版的弥天大谎,与二战中的宣传战如出一辙。

    The Kobe Bryant-to-the-Bulls saga , which seems finally over with John Paxson 's declarations Thursday , is like an NBA / media version of the Big Lie , a World War II propaganda technique .

  5. 进餐中途,我才琢磨出面皮尝起来不像我吃过的任何比萨面皮,倒像是印度面包(nan),柔软耐嚼,却特别薄。

    The dough , it takes me half my meal to figure out , tastes more like Indian nan than like any pizza dough I ever tried . It 's soft and chewy and yielding , but incredibly thin .

  6. 通过调节EMA吸收量,既能满足像增强器对光纤倒像器荧光屏透过率的要求,又能保证最大程度地吸收光纤中逸出的杂散光,提高对比度。

    By means of adjusting EMA absorption , not only the needs of image intensifiers can be reached for the transmissivity of fiber image inverter screens , but also the stray light escaping from the optical fiber can be absorbed to the full extent to improve the contrast .

  7. 他虽是个吃人恶魔,说话倒像个美食家。

    Ogre that he was , he spoke like an epicure .

  8. 倒像是个警察,以前好像真的是。

    Seems more like a cop . I think he was .

  9. 倒像是个我们应该交的朋友。

    She looked like somebody we would 've been friends with .

  10. 这儿倒像是在展览古老的电子设备。

    It was like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment .

  11. 瞧你这认真劲倒像是个好学生。

    Seeing you like that makes you look like some good student .

  12. 但这看起来倒像是他在退让。

    But this looks like a climb-down on his part .

  13. 这看起来倒像性别歧视,但又可以理解。

    This looks like gender bias , but again it is understandable .

  14. 它看起来不像衣服,倒像盔甲。

    It seems more like armor , than an item of clothing .

  15. 我听着倒像是事迹败露。

    I guess I mistook that as a preference for full disclosure .

  16. 从外表上看,这家公司倒像是真的。

    Viewed from the outside , the company seemed genuine .

  17. 二代倒像微光像增强器管内质量污染分析

    Analysis of Mass Pollution Gen. ⅱ Inverter Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier

  18. 这倒像个接头暗号分成了两半。

    It was like the two halves of a countersign .

  19. 他不像飞贼,倒像杂货店老板。

    He looks more like a grocer than a burglar .

  20. 这哪像个道歉信?倒像是一篇文学作品。

    This is like a literature work , not a letter of apology .

  21. 但这吃起来倒像是,奶酪酱汁,好吃

    but it tastes like cheese sauce . Yum .

  22. 提高光纤倒像器分辨率的方法探讨

    Probe into the Method of Increasing the Resolution Ratio of Fibre-optical Inverter Unit

  23. 刚刚还看上去还神奇十足的那个家伙,这会儿看上去倒像个傻瓜。

    Suddenly the guy who had seemed so cool looked like a fool .

  24. 乍一听,这倒像是个好主意。

    On the face of it , it sounds like a good idea .

  25. 倒像一刻离不开我的!

    It 's as if you can 't live without me for a minute !

  26. 你长得倒像是切罗基族人。

    You got a Cherokee look about you .

  27. 广视野镜倒像装置系统应用于人工晶状体眼视网膜脱离手术的临床观察

    Clinical study on wide field inversion lens system for treatment of pseudophakic retinal detachment

  28. 最终的退休不会是一种解脱,倒像是令人畏缩的无期徒刑判决。

    Eventual retirement looms not as a release but as a daunting life sentence .

  29. 这听起来倒像科幻小说情节。

    It sounds like a science fiction plot .

  30. 倒像是仆人会面

    Like a meeting of the minions .