
  • 网络Inverted siphon;back siphonage
  1. 倒虹吸涵洞结构设计CAD系统的设计与实现

    Customized CAD System for Siphonal Culvert Structure Design

  2. 大口径RPM倒虹吸管道的施工

    Construction of Large-diameter RPM Inverted Siphon Pipe line

  3. 卡西欧FX-4800P计算器编程在滹沱河倒虹吸工程施工测量中的应用

    Application of CASIO FX-4800P calculator which in construction survey of Hutuo River inverted siphon project

  4. 高水头、长距离倒虹吸压力钢管道整体水压试验

    Hydrostatic test on high water-head and long-distance inverse suction pressure piping

  5. 大型倒虹吸预应力混凝土结构模型试验研究

    Experimental study on simulated model of large prestressed concrete inverted siphon

  6. 大型倒虹吸压力钢管安装监理质量控制

    Supervision and quality control of installation of large inverted siphon penstocks

  7. 河道排水倒虹吸进口布置试验研究和设计原则

    Test Study and Design Principle for Intake Layout of River Inverted Siphon

  8. 滹沱河倒虹吸行洪口门宽度的方案论证

    Demonstration on width for flood discharge opening of Hutuo River Inverted Siphon

  9. 倒虹吸工程混凝土裂缝分析及防治

    The Bulk Concrete Cracks Analysis and Prevention in a Water Conservancy Project

  10. 白杨河倒虹吸镇墩裂缝成因分析及处理

    Origin analysis and treatment of anchor block cracking for Baiyanghe inverted siphon

  11. 地质变化对大型预应力混凝土倒虹吸结构受力影响的分析

    Influences of Foundation Changes on Behaviors of Large Prestressed Concrete Inverted Siphon

  12. 倒虹吸有压弯管的局部水头损失系数计算方法比较

    Comparison with calculating the coefficient of local head loss models for inverted siphons

  13. 倒虹吸工程河段洪水与河床变形的数值模拟

    Mathematical Modeling for Flood and Deformation of Riverbed in Reach with Siphon Engineering

  14. 公路倒虹吸防渗的关键问题

    Key problem of anti-leakage of back - siphonal Road

  15. 浅谈蒲阳河倒虹吸安全监测仪器埋设施工

    Safety Monitoring Instruments Laid on the Inverted Siphon Construction in the Puyang River

  16. 大型倒虹吸结构预应力钢筋张拉施工顺序研究

    Study on strands tensioning procedure of large inverted siphon

  17. 南水北调中线工程淇河倒虹吸平面光弹模型试验

    Inverted Siphon Plane Photoelastic Model Test of Qihe River in South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  18. 南水北调倒虹吸工程裹头附近河床变形研究

    Riverbed Deformation near Revetment Works Crossed by Inverted Siphon of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  19. 渠系中串联倒虹吸后引起水流的改变,影响了渠系的运行状态。

    Series connection inverted siphons influence the flow conditions and operation of canal systems .

  20. 倒虹吸钢筋混凝土管温度应力分析

    Analysis of Temperature Stress on Reinforced-Concrete Inverted Siphon

  21. 南水北调中线工程大型跨流域调水渠道倒虹吸工程设计

    Large Water Transfer Channel Inverted Siphons Design in Middle Line South-North Water Transfer Project

  22. 在役水下倒虹吸输水管道可靠性评估方法

    Reliability assessment method for an operating water delivery pipe of underwater inverted siphon type

  23. 沙河(北)倒虹吸工程质量、安全检查方法与效果分析

    Quality , Checking Methods and Effect Analysis of Shahe River ( North ) Inverted Siphon

  24. 唐河倒虹吸工程主体箱涵混凝土施工技术

    ConCrete ConStruction Technology on Box Culvert in the Main Body of Tanghe Inverted Siphon Project

  25. 三维阶谱有限元法在倒虹吸工程温度场中的应用研究

    Application of three-dimensional hierarchical FEM to calculation of temperature field in concrete inverted siphon engineering

  26. 三维节理元在倒虹吸结构中的应用

    Application of 3-D Joint Element to Inverted-Siphons

  27. 北碚区主城排水管网过河倒虹吸工程设计

    Design of Inverted Siphon Across a River for Drainage Network of the Urban District in Beibei

  28. 永定河倒虹吸输水方涵混凝土裂缝分析及防治

    Analysis of Concrete Cracks of Box Culvert Siphon across Yongding River & Control Measures for Them

  29. 因此,了解倒虹吸结构在不同工况下的应力状态是必要的。

    Therefore , to understand the stress state of inverted-siphon structure under different conditions is necessary .

  30. 大型倒虹吸上游渠道涌波高度的试验研究

    An Experimental Research on Surge Wave Height in the Upstream Canal of a Large-scaled Inverted Siphon