
  • 网络CBSO
  1. 美国贸易代表参加了巴西会议。

    United States trade representative { suzen chove } attended the meeting in brazil .

  2. 在巴西会议上,20集团国财政大臣和中央银行官员们在谈到改革世界金融体系时,认为新兴经济体扮演者重要的角色。

    Meeting in Brazil , G20 finance ministers and central bank governors said emerging economies deserve a prominent role in talks to overhaul the world financial system .

  3. 美国贸易代表苏珊出席了在巴西的会议。

    US trade representative , Susan schwab , attended the meeting in brazil .

  4. 8月26日和27日在巴西召开的会议上,“第二个承诺期的一致意见”无疑成为了他们讨论的焦点。

    At a meeting in Brazil on August 26th-27th , " agreeing on the second commitment period " was apparently the main issue they discussed .

  5. 巴西通过举办这次会议为世界做了件大好事。

    Brazil has done the world a great service by hosting us all here .

  6. 感谢巴西主办本次会议并为我们树立了良好榜样。

    Thank you , Brazil , for hosting this conference and for leading by example .