
  • 网络Batang;batang county
  1. 四川省巴塘县矮岩羊与斑羚冬季生境比较

    Winter habitats of dwarf blue sheep ( Pseudois schaeferi ) and goral ( Naemorhedus goral ) in Batang County , Sichuan , China

  2. 巴塘县是甘孜州和四川省重要的矿产资源地,拥有丰富的铅锌铜银资源。

    Batang County is an important area of mineral resources in Ganzhi Autonomous Region , Sichuan Province , possessing abundant resources of lead , zinc , copper and silver .

  3. 四川白玉、巴塘县间5.5级地震的短临预报依据、过程和防灾决策

    Short-Impending Prediction Criterion , Process and Disaster Preparedness of Baiyu-Batang M5.5 Earthquake in Sichuan