
  1. 四川宣汉罗家坝遗址是川东北现存面积最大、内涵丰富、保存完好的一处先秦巴人文化遗址。

    The Luojiaba site in Xuanhan , was the largest , richest and best preserved pre-Qin Sichuanese site in the north-eastern Sichuan province .

  2. 摘要三峡文化是荆楚文化与巴人文化相互碰撞、融合,并在三峡地带土著居民原始文化的基础上,形成的一种多元的、具有自己个性特色的独特的文化形态。

    Based on the collision and fusion of Jingchu and BA cultures , and the primeval culture foundation of aboriginal in Three Gorges zone , Three Gorges culture is a unique culture modality featured with distinctive characteristics .

  3. 本文主要考察了巴人的乐器文化及其内涵。

    This paper mainly explores Ba peoples culture of musical instrument and its implications .

  4. 因此,对巴人、巴文化及其民族精神的研究,有助于深化对中华民族及中华民族精神的认识。

    Therefore , make a research on the ancient Ba people , the Ba culture and the Ba ethos , will help us to get a deeper understanding on our Chinese nation and its ethos . 2 .