
dù juān niǎo
  • cuckoo
  1. 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。

    In England , the cuckoo is the herald of spring .

  2. 光听声音就知道了。是杜鹃鸟。

    I can tell by its sounds . It 's a cuckoo .

  3. 在英国,杜鹃鸟预告春天的来临。

    In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring .

  4. 他们把那些被骗的人叫做“四月杜鹃鸟”。

    They call an April Fool " April Gowk " .

  5. 在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。

    In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring .

  6. 阳雀就是杜鹃鸟,我们那儿都叫阳雀。

    Yang bird is the cuckoo , and we all call-yang bird there .

  7. “杜鹃鸟”是“布谷鸟”的另一种叫法。

    Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird .

  8. 你想黄龙既有杜鹃鸟又有杜鹃花,还有我们面前的杜鹃映彩池。

    You see there are cuckoos and azaleas as well as the Azalea Pond at Huanglong .

  9. 他们叫受愚弄者为“愚人节的呆子”。呆子是杜鹃鸟的另一个名称。

    If you believe them and look down to see , you are an April Fool then .

  10. 它们通常只能区分出其中一种杜鹃鸟,但对另一种只能区分出其中四成。

    They can always identify one species , but catch the other only around 40 % of the time .

  11. 走鹃(一种杜鹃鸟,产于墨西哥及美国南部).主要以多种小叶型的杜鹃花属种类构成高山杜鹃群落。

    Roadrunner ( type of cuckoo of Mexico and southern US ) It is composed of some Rhododendron species with small-leaves , e.g.

  12. 乔仔像只等待小虫的杜鹃鸟,看着将军,他的眼睛在他消瘦黝黑的脸上显得明暗分明。

    Jojo looked at him lide a cuckoo waiting for a worm , his eyes bright and dark in his lean brown face . 'Alors ?

  13. 由于外形、尺寸以及颜色跟乌鸦比较相近,杜鹃鸟会把它的蛋产在乌鸦的巢里。

    Due to resembling a crow in shape , size and color , the bird cuckoo leaves her eggs in the nest of a crow .

  14. 克雷恩多佛说,有证据表明,后一种杜鹃鸟宝宝会尝试不同的叫声,试图破译鸟巢的密码。

    Kleindorfer says there is evidence that , in the latter species , the cuckoo nestlings attempt to guess the password by trying out different calls .

  15. 杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。

    The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds ' nests .

  16. 博士和W博士可能已发现了杜鹃和莺鸟正在进化当中。

    Probably , Dr Davies and Dr Welbergen have caught cuckoo and warbler in the middle of an evolutionary arms race .

  17. 希望各观鸟会会员可协助提供过往各年春天杜鹃科雀鸟开始鸣叫的日期,本人不胜感激。

    I would be grateful if any HKBWS member could help WWF by providing dates of Cuckoo calls that they know about from previous spring periods .

  18. 普通的能发出两个不同音节杜鹃;在其它鸟的巢中生蛋。

    Common European cuckoo having a distinctive two-note call ; lays eggs in the nests of other birds .