
dù kānɡ
  • wine;liquor
杜康 [dù kāng]
  • [Du Kang] 传说中酒的发明者,夏朝人。后作为美酒代称

  • 慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧,唯有杜康。——曹操《短歌行》

  1. 杜康也渐成为酒的代名词。

    Dukang also gradually become a synonym for wine .

  2. 汝阳杜康采用“缩短战线,注重区域市场”策略;

    Ruyang Dukang Liquor has cut its marketing areas and focused on regional development ;

  3. “何以解愁,唯有杜康”便见证了杜康的影响力。

    " Why drowned their sorrows , only Dukang " has witnessed Dukang influence .

  4. “杜康基因”是乙醇脱氢酶的一种,它可以分解酒或腐烂的食物中的有毒物质。

    Du Kang gene is a type of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that can dissolve certain toxic substances in alcohol or decaying food .

  5. 杜康于是弃牧停鞭,创酒坊,酿美酒,开酒肆,售佳酿,名扬天下。

    So stop whip Dukang abandoned animal husbandry , a Wine Shop , wine wine , open wine shop , the sale of wine , famous .

  6. 中国酒的原始发明人很难断定,但比较合理的推断是起源于上古时期粮食的自然发酵。黄帝、仪狄、杜康等都是自觉酿酒并有所创造的人。

    It is very hard to determine who is the inventor of Chinese alcoholic drinks , which most reasonably originates from the natural zymosis of grain in ancient time .