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  1. 它的产生与杜佑所在唐王朝的主客观条件密切相关。

    Its generation was related to the subjective and objective conditions of Tang Dynasty .

  2. 杜佑《通典》是一部历史性典章制度政书。

    The Tong Dian of Du you is a historic cultural establishments system political book .

  3. 杜佑史学思想形成的社会心理意识探析

    Probing into the Social Psychological Consciousness of the Formation of the Du You History Thought

  4. 杜佑撰写《通典》搜集了很多的材料,而且杜佑对所用的材料大多作过考证,具有很高的史料价值。

    Du was writing " Tongdian " collected a lot of material , and Du on the materials used mostly for research , with a high historical value .

  5. 杜佑按照各个民族和地区的发展历史沿革,系统地介绍各个民族的发展历史和同中原王朝的交往历史。

    Du accordance with the development of countries and nations History , systematic introduction to the development of countries and nations History and history of contacts with the Central Plains .