
  1. 《杜拉拉升职记》可以说是目前国内最火的一部职业向导影片。

    DU Lala is the hottest career coach in the country .

  2. 危难之时,杜拉拉站出来,作出了一个个正确的决定。

    Du stands out in emergencies and makes all the right decisions .

  3. 你和“杜拉拉”有相似之处吗?

    Do you have resemblance to " Du Lala "?

  4. 你是否也找到共鸣?你和“杜拉拉”有相似之处吗?

    Have you got the empathy ? Do you have resemblance to " Du Lala "?

  5. 杜拉拉的故事改编自小说作者李可的真实经历。

    Du Lala 's story is based on the real experiences of author , Li Ke .

  6. 好吧,那我告诉你,在杜拉拉的反面,还有一个逃跑家乌青

    Well , I tell you , the Story of Du Lala opposite , and a flight home Wuqing

  7. 据了解,潘文伟目前正忙着做男版“杜拉拉”,写一本介绍创业经验的书。

    Reports say that at present Pan is writing a book which shares his experience starting up a business .

  8. 《杜拉拉升职记》到底说的是什么呢?如果你想知道,关注今天的广角,我们将给大家讲讲杜拉拉的故事。

    Just listen to our second part Wild Angle , and we will tell you the story about DU Lala .

  9. 影片通过讲述杜拉拉的升职过程,展现了现代人的科技生活和科层生活。

    The movie , through narrating Du Lala 's promotion , shows us the technical life and bureaucratic life of modern people .

  10. 其中包括另外一部电影的续集,《杜拉拉升职记》,该片改变自一部受欢迎的中文小说。

    Among them is a sequel of another feature , Go Lala Go ! , which is adapted from a popular Chinese novel .

  11. 要想了解中国妇女的角色变化,你可以参考一下畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》。

    To understand the changing role of women in China , consider the runaway success of a novel titled Du Lala 's Rise .

  12. 这篇博文的内容非常简单:那天是她的生日,请大家都去看《杜拉拉升职记》;

    What it says is very simple : it was her birthday and everybody please go to see ' Go Lala Go ! '

  13. 下周末,由该书改编而成的同名电影《杜拉拉升职记》将在各大影院上映。电影本身使人们对故事的兴趣激增。

    a movie adaptation of the novel set to hit cinemas next weekend , has stirred up even more interest in the story .

  14. 七夕,若你一个人,可以做一次杜拉拉去帮助曾经背叛过你的那个人。

    On Double Seventh Festival , if you are by yourself , you could be Du Lala and help someone who has betrayed you before .

  15. 但杜拉拉的成功来得太轻易,她只需要处理一下并不复杂的办公室政治,她没有竞争对手,一路坦途。

    But her success is too easy . She just need handle uncomplicated office politics , and has no competitors , smooth sailing all the way .

  16. 同名畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》讲述了主人公在跨国公司采取积极行动得到晋升的故事。

    The fictional character in the acclaimed novel Du La La 's Promotion shows others how to take the high road to success in a multinational company .

  17. 李莎莎(音译)是《职来职往》节目中的一名求职者,她梦想着像《杜拉拉升职记》里的女主角一样在行政部门工作!

    Li Shasha , a candidate in Jobs Come Jobs Go , dreamed of working in administration , like the heroine in the TV drama Go Lala Go !

  18. 杜拉拉的组长毫不负责地拍屁股走人,老板根本就指望不上,而身边的同事要么愚蠢之极,要么过于世故。

    Du Lala ` s team leader quit in an irresponsible way ; her boss is inept ; and the staff around her is either stupid or overly-sophisticated .

  19. 电影《杜拉拉升职记》首映后,吸引了成千上万的观众到电影院去观看这部讲述成功职业女性的影片。

    After the movie Go Lala Go was released , it attracted tens of thousands of audiences to the theatre to watch the story of the successful career woman .

  20. 除了徐导亲自上任担当女一号杜拉拉之外,影片还集结了诸多偶像,比如台湾名模吴佩慈、香港歌影双栖明星莫文蔚、台湾创作型音乐人黄立行等等。

    In addition to Xu , who plays the heroine Du Lala , the movie gathers heartthrobs like Taiwan model Pace Wu , Hong Kong singer-actress Karen Mok and Taiwan singer-actor Stanley Huang .

  21. 《杜拉拉升职记》的票房收入超过了一亿元,按中国的标准衡量很可观。这也使徐静蕾成了中国商业上最成功的女导演。

    The movie went on to become a blockbuster , by Chinese standards , taking in more than 100 million yuan at the box office , and making Ms. Xu the most commercially successful female director in China .

  22. 一个28岁的粉丝刘丹辉(在一家外企中做营销工作)说,她钦佩杜拉拉的持坚持,并认为“未来的中国,将有越来越多像她一样的女人。”

    One fan , Liu Danhui , a28-year-old with a marketing job at a foreign company , says she admires Du 's persistence and believes that " there will be more and more women like her in China in the future . "

  23. 由于电影在描述职场斗争上的苍白,因此只能依赖原著中杜拉拉和王伟的爱情作为主题来加以渲染,更把情节剧中常见的三角恋模式作为推动剧情的重要方式。

    As the film describes a pale career competition , it can only rely on the theme of love in the original . It even uses the love triangle , the common model of melodrama , as an important way to promote the story .

  24. 在妇女撑起半边天数十年后,杜拉拉及其同伴的成功折射出关于中国妇女的一个奇妙现实:她们似乎比美国妇女更具野心。

    Decades after Mao Zedong declared that women hold up half the sky , the success of Du Lala and her peers reflects a curious fact about women in China : they appear to be far more ambitious than their counterparts in the United States .

  25. 由于在情节的处理上重爱情轻工作,电影有一种明显的杜拉拉依靠感情上位的误导,这是对于原著的背离,以及对于女性角色和精神的一种否定。

    Because the handling of the plot concentrates on love instead of work , the movie has an obviously misleading thing that Du Lala depends on emotion to promotion . It is departure from the original , and a negation for female role and spirit .

  26. 职场小说某种程度上提供了让现代职场白领及精英们驰骋想象的空间,也许,他们未必完全认同杜拉拉的观点,也未必会选择杜拉拉处理事务的方式,但他们面临着同病相怜的困境。

    The workplace fiction provides modern workplace white-collar workers and elites with a space for imagination . They may not fully agree with the views of Du Lala , and may not choose the way Du Lala deals with affairs , but the difficulties they face are the same .