
  • 网络Time to Say Goodbye
  1. 明天,各大报纸的版面上都会出现我的照片,到时候我就要告别匿名的时代了。

    By tomorrow , the newspapers will have my picture plastered across their pages and I will have to say good-bye to my anonymity .

  2. 告别天真的少年时代,我迎来了我的黄金时代。

    Farewell naive youth , I greeted my golden age .

  3. ▲今年,我们集体告别同性恋的马赛克时代。

    This year , we say goodbye together to the mosaic age of homosexuality .

  4. 雷锋,一个革命时代被塑造的政治符号,在告别革命的后革命时代却重新引起人们的广泛关注,这本身就具有非常丰富的文化内涵。

    Lei Feng , as a political symbol shaped in revolutionary times , has again attracted wide attention in the post-revolution age , which itself has a very rich connotations .