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  • 网络notice;self-stick notes
  1. 该系统将实现IBoard规范中的公告板、告示贴、联系记录、工作日程表、周报管理和流动资产管理六大功能模块。

    The system will realize six functional modules , such as bulletin board , notice board , contact information , work arrangement , weekly report , and management of current assets with reference to specifications observed on I Board .

  2. 新告示贴出后,图书馆再也没有出现丢失书籍的现象。

    After putting on the new placard , the incidents of stealing books never happened again .

  3. 孩子们将告示贴在朋友的背上,上面写着“踢我”或“打我”。

    Children put signs on the backs of their friends that read : kick me , or hit me .

  4. 据说,告示贴出后好评如潮,受到歌星协会的肯定。

    Allegedly , annunciate is stuck tide is like reputably after going out , get the affirmation of star association .

  5. 那两张告示贴在同一个位置,好像是同一张纸条,有两张脸,向着两个方向。

    The warnings are stuck on the same position of the glass , as if they are one piece of paper with two faces to two directions like Janus .

  6. 服务员在告示牌上贴了一条通知。

    The courier pinned a notice on the hotel notice board .

  7. 我在告示牌上贴了一个提示语。

    I stuck a reminder on the bulletin board .

  8. 告示会被贴在诊所和药店里:在这儿打疫苗。

    Signs are posted at drug stores and clinics . Get your shots here .

  9. 学校的告示板上也贴着一份相同的菜单,基本是日本大众口味:米饭、多种汤、肉或鱼、每顿午餐至少5种时令蔬菜、每餐都有鲜牛奶。

    The same menu pinned on the school notice board shows a largely Japanese flavour : rice with a wide variety of soups , meat or fish , with at least five seasonal vegetables for each meal and always fresh milk .