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评话 [píng huà]
  • [popular stories] 说话人讲历史故事夹有品评、议论称评话。另指曲艺的一种,由一个人讲说故事等,如苏州评话

评话[píng huà]
  1. 清代评话类小说与口述史

    Storytelling Novels in Qing Dynasty and Oral Accounting History

  2. 王少堂所代表的“王派《水浒》”正是扬州评话艺术形态的典范。

    Water Margin performed by the Wang School led by Wang Shaotang just typifies the grace of the art .

  3. 从王派《水浒》看扬州评话的艺术形态特征

    A Probe into the Features of the Artistic Form of Yangzhou Storytelling via Water Margin by the Wang School

  4. 苏州评弹是评话和弹词流传到江南,与以苏州话为代表的吴方言结合的产物。

    Suzhou Pingtan , a combined term for Pinghua and Tanci is a flower in the art circles of Southern Yangtse River .

  5. 本文分三部分述评话语哲学范式转换:第一部分述评现代话语哲学范式转换及其三个流派;

    There are three parts in the article : firstly , reviewing the theories of modern discourse philosophy and its three schools ;

  6. 《隋史遗文》与晚明评话及民众心态

    The History of Sui Dynasty , the Art of Orating in the Later Period of Ming Dynasty and the Psychology of Ordinary People

  7. 明末清初,说书名家柳敬亭的出现,扩大了评话的影响和传播范围,揭开了评话、评书在清代的繁荣序幕。

    In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty , a famous storyteller Liu Jing-ting appears and extends the influence and the spread of Ping-Hua , accordingly he opens a prelude for the prosperity of Ping-Hua and Ping-Shu in Qing Dynasty .

  8. 通过扬州评话《武松》与《水浒传》文本的对照,指出水浒故事曲艺实际上是对《水浒传》的一种重新创造,《水浒传》在曲艺传播过程中呈现出一种新的风貌。

    By comparing Yangzhou words " Wu Song " and " Water Margin " text , Water Margin story of folk art is actually recreated from the " Water Margin " . " Water Margin " shows spread a new style in the process of folk art .