
  • 网络critics
  1. 因此,中国小说评点派诸家对古代小说的功能问题多有议论,且不乏真知灼见。

    So critics discussed the functions in ancient novels a lot and got many penetrating judgements .

  2. 它的成因是:由唐至清,中国古典小说成熟了,明清评点派小说学应运而生,这是先期准备;

    The origin is as follows : From Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty , classical Chinese novels became mature and critic novel science of Ming and Qing Dynasty arises at the historic moment ;

  3. 中国古代小说具有多重功能,而中国古代小说批评又具有对小说功能进行评价的责任,因此,中国小说评点派诸家对古代小说的功能问题多有议论,且不乏真知灼见。

    The Chinese ancient novels have many a function , and the critics of these novels should be responsible for the evaluation of the function of these novels . Therefore , there are different views on these functions by different critical schools , some of which are valuable .