
píng jù
  • pingju, a local opera of north and northeast China;a local opera of north and northeast China
评剧 [píng jù]
  • [a local opera of north and northeast China] 流行于华北、东北等地的地方戏曲剧种,最早产生于河北东部滦县一带,吸收了河北梆子、京剧等艺术成就。早期叫蹦蹦儿戏,也叫落子

评剧[píng jù]
  1. 评剧音乐的发展脉络研究

    To Trace the Music Development of Ping Opera

  2. 评剧院里很多女演员学会了打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。

    A.Many actresses in the Pingju Theatre learned to knit , in most cases I taught them .

  3. 指出了评剧音乐实践中于剧种音韵上的认识误区,以及由此而造成评剧韵味淡薄的原因。

    It also indicates the misunderstanding in the music sound of Pingju opera and the bad results led to by it .

  4. 当然,中国还有很多其它的戏剧,比如说“昆曲”、“评剧”、“河北邦子”等等。

    There are also some other types of opera staged in China , such as Kunqu Opera , Pingju Opera and Hebei Bangzi as well as other operas from different places .