
  1. 价值评定所测试的是不同价值观对你的重要性。

    Value inventories measure how important different values are to you .

  2. 汽包接管缺陷评定所需的汽包各运行工况温度场、应力场,通过有限元计算获得。

    The temperature field and stress field were obtained by finite element method .

  3. 阁下如何评定所编的百科全书的总体情况?阁下在甚么地方发现优点和弱点?

    How do you judge the general condition of your encyclopedia ? Where do you see strengths and weaknesses ?

  4. 所以,我确实想在一开始就让你们尽可能地清楚最终等级评定所依据的标准。

    So , I do want to be as clear as possible from the beginning about the criteria on which your grade will ultimately be based .

  5. 我能明白这一趋势是游戏行业对那些钱少玩家的感受、需求和对游戏的评定所做出的一种反馈。

    I understand this trend to be one of the responses from the gaming industry to feelings , needs and evaluations from players with little money .

  6. 它综合运用各学科领域的知识,以计算机技术、模拟技术和信息技术等为手段,提供缺陷评定所需的数据、信息和资料,并选择缺陷评定方案;

    It applies synthetically diversified knowledge in multifarious study domains , makes use of computer technology , simulation technology and information technology etc , provides necessary data and select defects assessing project ;

  7. 在尚不具备试验条件的情况下,利用计算机对对接过程做动力学仿真是检验和校正所设计的缓冲系统性能参数、评定所设计的缓冲系统性能的有效方法。

    Due to lack of the experiment equipments , the dynamic simulation on computer is an effective method to test and verify the parameters or evaluate the performance of the buffer system designed .

  8. 本文按照凸形封头的成形加工工艺、封头材料种类,封头拼接焊接接头的焊接方法和焊后热处理类别,分别叙述封头拼接焊接接头的焊接工艺评定所需项目。

    This paper specifies the items of welding procedure qualification for butt joint of spliced head , according to the manufacturing technics , the species of head material , the welding methods of butt joint and the sorts of post weld heat treatment for crowning head .

  9. 学期报告的目的在于要求和评定你所评论一篇已发表的文献的能力。

    The final project aims to challenge and assess your ability to critically evaluate a published article .

  10. 介绍了食品感官评定技术所需要的组成要素及其注意事项。

    The factors of composing the food sensory evaluation and what should we pay attention to is introduced .

  11. 模糊综合评价能够根据模糊评价集上的值按最大隶属度的原则去评定对象所属的等级,对被评价对象有唯一的评价值。

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation can assess the object grade based on the value of fuzzy evaluation muster accorded to the maximum membership grade principle .

  12. 注重将来而不仅仅考察企业现在的财务状况,是依据综合平衡记分模型进行信用等级评定时所遵循的一个主导思想。

    To lay stress on the future of enterprises not the current financial status is a predominant idea for the overall balance score model in credit rating .

  13. 运用文献资料法及专家访谈法,对现行的大学生体育成绩评定方法所存在的若干问题进行了剖析,并提出对策措施。

    This paper utilizes consulting data method and expert interview method to discuss the problems of scoring method of undergraduate physical education and to give out some countermeasure .

  14. 合格评定程序所用设备的设置地点及样品的提取不致给申请人或其代理人造成不必要的不便;

    The siting of facilities used in conformity assessment procedures and the selection of samples are not such as to cause unnecessary inconvenience to applicants or their agents ;

  15. 目的考察血中碳氧血红蛋白饱和度(HbCO%)测定的影响因素,为其结果评定和所需样品保存条件提供实验依据。

    Objective To investigate factors affecting the determination of the percent carboxyhemoglobin saturation ( HbCO % ) of blood in an attempt to offer further data for results interpretation and sample storage requirement .

  16. 因为该模型依照各个因素在总评定因素中所起作用大小均衡兼顾,同时考虑了所有因素的影响。

    This model thinks over fully contribution of all factors , so the conclusion is more reasonable .

  17. 科技人员职称评定,论文所占权重过高。3、科技体制改革的推动需求与管理体制的矛盾。

    The reform of inside management system has been fatherly probed , and the scientific and technological resources have been vitalized .

  18. 本文详细说明了数据库设计理论,结合本系统的实际情况,列出了质量评定过程中所涉及的各项数据,包括单位工程、分部工程及分项工程各个方面的数据。

    The thesis introduces the theory of database design , and combined with the practical engineering , list all kind of data in unit project ^ departmental project and item project .

  19. 为了有效合理地组织和存储工程质量评定过程中所涉及到的各种数据,数据库技术的使用是必不可少的。

    It is indispensable to make use of the database in order to save all kind of data in the efficient and reasonable way , which are involved during the quality estimation .

  20. 本文介绍大连大显公司深入贯彻ISO9000标准、开展材料分供方评定的做法及所取得的成果。

    The article talks about Dalian DaXian Company how to implement ISO 9000 standards thoroughly and do well sub - contractor assessement , as well as its achievements .

  21. 5.2.3对信息的要求仅限于合格评定和确定费用所必需的限度;

    5.2.3 information requirements are limited to what is necessary to assess conformity and determine fees ;

  22. 应用所开发系统对两座系杆拱桥进行了耐久性评定,表明本文所建立的方法是合理和可行的。

    The developed software system was also applied to evaluate the two exiting tied-arch bridges . It is indicated the present method is reasonable and feasible .

  23. 可靠性验证结果表明,选择合适的仪器设备及检测参数,采用正确的评定方法,超声波所测结果能较准确的反映零件的钎焊质量。

    Reliability experiment was shown that braze welding quality could be known exactly by ultrasonic inspection when proper device , parameter and evaluation method were selected .

  24. 最后采用直线和任意曲线轮廓拟合的数学模型及误差评定方法,判断所测零件的轮廓度是否满足公差要求。

    Finally , applying the mathematical model and error assessment method joined with straight line and arbitrary curve outline , it can judge whether the edge contour of measuring mechanical parts satisfies needed tolerance .

  25. 评定点变化轨迹与失效评定曲线交点所对应的缺陷尺寸即为结构的极限缺陷尺寸。

    The assessment points ' locus and failure assessment locus indicate the limit flaw size of the structure .

  26. 随着以COD理论为基础的断裂评定方法被以弹塑性J积分理论为基础的断裂评定方法所取代,在工程实际应用中迫切需要简便、可靠的J积分估算方法。

    As the fracture assessment method based on COD theory is replaced by the method based on J-integral theory , it is greatly required simple and convenient , reliable evaluation method of J-integral .

  27. 结果表明,血红蛋白与血尿素结合使用,能较准确地评定跆拳道运动员身体机能状况,血清肌酸激酶能有效评定训练后肌肉所受刺激及疲劳恢复情况。

    The result showed that combinative using of hemoglobin and blood urea can accurately evaluate Taekwondo athletes'physical function and creatine kinase could effectively evaluate the stimulation degree that muscle suffered after training and the fatigue recovery conditions .

  28. “但是,各个研究所技术人员的职称评定都是各自为政,标准也都不一样,很难去评定技术人才所作出的贡献。”中科院研究员袁萍说。

    But CAS researcher Yuan Ping says that different institutions have different ways of evaluating their scientists and it can be difficult to assess the contribution made by those who develop equipment .