
  • 网络evaluation indicator;indicators;evaluation criteria
  1. 电力光纤通信网的安全性评估指标体系

    Security Evaluation Indicator System for Electric Power Optical-fiber Communication Network

  2. 商业银行产品竞争力评估指标体系研究

    A Study on Evaluation Indicator System of the Competitiveness of Banking Products

  3. 通过判别分析方法和BP神经网络对训练样本和检验样本的分析,回判准确率较好,纳税评估指标具有可操作性。

    Through the approaches of discriminant analysis and BP neural network , the veracious ratio of the training and testing samples are preferable .

  4. 基于G1法的应急能力评估指标权重的确定

    Weight Determination of Indexes in Evaluation of Emergency Response Ability Based on G1

  5. 引入了AHP法(层次分析法),结合定量的评估指标体系建立了一种评价系统。

    An evaluation system is established with the help of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and an index system of evaluation .

  6. 方法根据PASS警示质量和PASS信息质量,建立相应的评估指标,分3个研究周期进行。

    Methods : The different evaluation indexes were established according to the warning property and information property of PASS and the warning signal changes were studied in 3 different research periods .

  7. 为了实现这一目标,本课题从实验研究入手,采用专家咨询法&特尔斐法(DelphiMethod)建立了一种比较完整、系统、科学的评估指标体系(第一阶段已完成)。

    To achieve this aim , in this paper we established an overall , systematical and scientific evaluation index system , adopting Delphi Method through experiment . ( The first step has been finished ) .

  8. 作为一种新的企业业绩评估指标,EVA指标在公司的业绩评估、经营效率和资本运作效率评价、激励制度建设方面具有许多常规指标不可比拟的优势。

    As a new value assessment system , EVA has advantage over traditional indexes in the aspect of company value assessment , business efficiency and capital operation efficiency appraisement , incentive system construction .

  9. 在综合研究国内外文献资料和现有指标体系的基础上,系统而完整地提出了一套可用于OTHR的跟踪系统性能评估指标体系。

    A performance evaluation method for OTHR target tracking systems is proposed based on the study of related developments home and abroad .

  10. 在建立IDS评估指标体系的基础上,通过引入有序模糊评价树概念构建了多层次的模糊综合评价模型,并实现了有序模糊评价树上的综合评价算法。

    Through introducing the concept of the ordered fuzzy evaluation tree , a fuzzy computing algorithm was provided to illustrate how to set up such kind of evaluation model after developing the evaluation indicator system .

  11. 评估指标包括:体重指数、血压、糖化血红蛋白A1C、血脂、氧化血栓炎症标志物。

    Assessments included : BMI , blood pressure , A1C , plasma lipids , and markers of oxidation , thrombosis , and inflammation .

  12. 建立了调谐型相间功率控制器(TIPC)稳态运行电压的基本可行域,并定义域的性能评估指标;

    This paper establishes a steady-state voltage 's basic feasible region of tuned inter-phase power controller ( TIPC ), and defines an evaluation index of the region .

  13. 该模型从客户交易信息中选取评估指标作为RFM指标的补充,并用基于相似系数和的孤立点检测法降低了孤立点对聚类结果的干扰;

    This model adopts valuation indexes that extracted from transaction records as supplementations to the RFM parameters , and the algorithm for isolated point detection based on similar coefficient sum is also used to reduce the affection of isolated point .

  14. 建立科研评估指标体系促进学科建设与发展

    Establishing research evaluation indictors system to improve discipline construction and development

  15. 疟疾卫生检疫风险评估指标体系的建立及其应用

    Constitution and Application of Health Quarantine Risk Assessment System for Malaria

  16. 铁路运输动员建设质量评估指标体系研究

    Research on Quality Evaluation Index System of Railway Transport Mobilization Building

  17. 石化企业震害评估指标及生产设备震害分析

    Estimation Indexes for Seismic Disasters in Petrochemical Enterprises and Their Analysis

  18. 城市地下空间开发利用容量评估指标体系的研究

    On the index system for city underground space developing-utilization capacity evaluation

  19. 完善高校教学工作水平评估指标体系的构想

    On the Perfection of Teaching Evaluation Index System in Higher Education

  20. 地区工业化阶段评估指标体系及其应用

    Study and Application of Evaluation Criteria System for Regional Industrialization Stage

  21. 船舶机电设备评估指标研究

    Research on the Evaluation Index of Marine Mechanical & Electrical Equipment

  22. 湘潭市国家税务局绩效评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of Performance Management Evaluation Index System of Xiangtan State Revenue

  23. 中国科学教育评估指标体系的研究

    The Research on the Evaluation System of China 's Scientific Education

  24. 高校课堂教学质量评估指标对比分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Classroom Teaching Quality Evaluation Indexes in University

  25. 光纤保护通道安全风险评估指标体系的构建

    Study on the security risk evaluation indexes for optical-fiber protection channel

  26. 雷达机动作战通信效能评估指标体系研究

    Research on Communication Efficiency Evaluation Index System of Radar Mobile Battle

  27. 风险投资评估指标体系的研究

    A Research on the Assessment Index System of Venture Capital

  28. 医院临床学科评估指标体系的构建与应用

    Enlightenment and Application of Clinical Subject Evaluation System in Hospital

  29. 关于高校图书馆评估指标体系的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on the Evaluation Index System at Academic Libraries

  30. 医院医疗质量评估指标体系研究与实践

    Study of Constructing the Evaluating Target System of Medical Quantity