
  1. 在相关的评论员文章中,西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)的儿科副教授鲁奇·古普塔(RuchiGupta)博士表示:“一些研究表明,母亲在妊娠期避免接触花生的确会增加其子女对花生敏感的风险。”

    According to an accompanying editorial by Dr. Ruchi Gupta , an associate professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University , " some studies actually showed that avoiding peanuts during pregnancy increased the risk of a child developing peanut sensitization . "

  2. 这篇报道还配发了一篇评论员文章。

    A commentator 's article was carried along with the news report .

  3. 配发一篇评论员文章

    Publish a concerted commentator 's article

  4. 随着报纸评论文体改革的深入,评论员文章在新闻宣传中发挥越来越重要的作用;

    With the deepening of the reformation of news commentary styles , articles by commentators exerts more and more important effect in news communication ;

  5. 随后他掀起了一场媒体革命,指定刊登具有革命意义的评论员文章,实验印刷新技术,并将集团业务拓展至杂志、广播以及电视台等领域。

    There he sparked a media revolution , ordering crusading editorials , experimenting with printing technologies and expanding into magazines , radio outlets and television stations .

  6. 六月九日,中国通过在《环球日报》上发表评论员文章来回应,题目用“印度不明智的军事行动”指责了印度此次军队部署。

    China responded on June9th , when the Chinese Global Times published an editorial entitled " India 's Unwise Military Moves " denouncing India 's troop deployment .

  7. 尽管中国报纸一直在围绕争议不断涌出报道和评论员文章,网络检查员上周就删除了指责红十字会贪污的原始的微博言论。

    Although Chinese newspapers have been running articles and editorials about the controversy , censors last week deleted some of the original microblog posts that accuse the Red Cross of corruption .

  8. 农业部出版的《农民日报》的一篇评论员文章指出,北京、天津周边的河北省地区贫穷状况“令人吃惊”。

    A commentary in the " Farmers Daily ", published by the ministry of agriculture , said the poverty of areas of Hebei province around Beijing and Tianjin was " astonishing " .

  9. 十七年时期的文学批评在语体方面表现出强烈的政论色彩,它往往夹杂在诸如专论、会议报告、评论员文章、短论之中,以政论的方式来阐释文学问题。

    We point out that the literary criticism of the " 17 years " period uses the political commentary to explain the literature problems , and usually embodied in specific issue , meeting report , commentator 's article and short comments .

  10. 中国官方的新华社上周五针对希拉里的言论发表评论员文章,称“中国一直为了自身利益而攫取非洲财富的说法严重不符合事实”。希拉里先前表示,美国致力于实行一种“增添而不是攫取价值”的合作模式。

    The " implication that China has been extracting Africa 's wealth for itself is utterly wide of the truth , " a commentary from Beijing 's official Xinhua news agency said on Friday of Mrs Clinton 's comment that the US was committed to a model that " adds value rather than extracts it . "

  11. 如果你每天只读政经评论员的文章,那么你大概会有这样一种看法,即日本是一个因循守旧的萧条国家,几乎全民都是领取养老金的人和相扑手。

    If you read only the musings of political and economic commentators , you might have the impression that Japan is a depressed conformist country , populated almost entirely by pensioners and sumo wrestlers .