
  • 网络the duty of disclosure;duty to inform;Concealment
  1. 保险告知义务若干问题研究

    Study of Several Questions on the Duty of Disclosure in Insurance

  2. 第五节则介绍告知义务的免除。

    Section V introduces the exemption of the duty of disclosure .

  3. 从增加了被保险人的告知义务方面,研究了ISPS规则实施对船舶保险的影响;

    With the extra obligation of the insured to notify being considered , this paper studies the influence of the implementation of the ISPS Code upon ship insurance .

  4. 认真履行告知义务,积极防范医疗纠纷。

    Seriously implementing obligation of informing to actively prevent medical dissensions .

  5. 临床护理工作中履行告知义务的实践及效果

    Practicing the Obligation of Informing in Nursing Care and Its Effect

  6. 医疗机构的告知义务与患者知情同意权的现况分析

    Analysis of the Current Status of Medical Inform and Informed Consent

  7. 第二节讨论了告知义务的主体。

    Section ⅱ argues the main body for the disclosure duty .

  8. 海上保险合同无限告知义务的价值分析

    Valuable Analysis About The Unlimited Informative Obligation In Marine Insurance Contract

  9. 保险投保人告知义务研究

    The Research on the Obligation of the Applicant 's Disclosure of Insurance

  10. 本文将对银行的告知义务进行详细探讨。

    This paper will discuss particularly the obligation of bank .

  11. 第二部分是告知义务的法理探讨。

    The second part is the legal discussion of duty to disclosure .

  12. 英国保险契约之告知义务制度研究

    A Study on the Duty of Disclosure in English Insurance Contract Law

  13. 从法定权利到刑事司法告知义务的履行

    Implementation of Notifying Obligation from Legal Right to Criminal Judicature

  14. 第三章研究告知义务的履行。

    The third chapter researches the fulfilling of the duty of disclosure .

  15. 护理人员履行告知义务的探讨

    Discussion on Fulfilling the Duty of Informing by Nursing Staff

  16. 告知义务制度为是保险法律所特有。

    The duty of disclosure is a unique system in insurance law .

  17. 理论上对保险告知义务的讨论也从没有停止过。

    The discussion about disclosure duty has not stopped yet in theory .

  18. 保险合同的告知义务

    Discuss Proprietors ' Informing Obligation The Duty of Disclosure in Insurance Law

  19. 被保险人在海上保险中的告知义务

    The Obligation of Disclosure of the Assured in Marine Insurance

  20. 第四节是医生告知义务的范围。

    Section ⅳ reviews the scope of physician 's duty to disclose .

  21. 对保险法告知义务的立法思考

    Legislative Consideration on the Notification Liability of the Insurance law

  22. 夫妻婚后所得财产相互告知义务的现实依据及理论依据

    The Practical and Theoretical Basis of Mutually Informed Obligation of Marital Property

  23. 医师告知义务若干法律问题分析

    On several legal issues in inform obligation of doctors

  24. 本文着重对违反告知义务的侵权责任进行论述。

    This paper focuses on discussion on tort liability of breaching this obligation .

  25. 此外,保险经纪人也应成为告知义务人。

    In addition , the insurance broker would become an obligor of representation .

  26. 侦查阶段告知义务体系的完善

    Perfect the System of Informing Duty in Investigative Process

  27. 保险法告知义务的研究

    A Research on the Representation Obligation of Insurance Law

  28. 告知义务及违反该义务的法律后果

    The Disclosure Duty and Legal Effects Due to a Breach of the Duty

  29. 如实告知义务制度是保险制度中的重要一环。

    The duty of disclosure is an important part of the insurance system .

  30. 病区护理人员履行告知义务的注意事项

    Announcements of ward nursing staffs to comply informing obligation