
rén mín tiáo jiě wěi yuán huì
  • people's mediation committees
  1. 法律明确,经人民调解委员会调解达成的调解协议具有法律约束力。

    The law also says that agreements reached in the mediation procedure are legally binding .

  2. 法律规定,人民调解委员会是解决民间纠纷的合法机构。

    The law establishes the People 's Mediation Committee as the legal organization to resolve everyday disputes .

  3. 人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。

    The people 's conciliation committee shall conduct conciliation for the parties according to the law and on a voluntary basis .

  4. 各级司法行政机关对于成绩显著、贡献突出的人民调解委员会和人民调解员,应当定期或者适时给予表彰和奖励。

    Various judicatory executive authority to sockdolager of successful , contribution civilian intercessory Committee and people adjuster , ought to fixed timely perhaps give commend and reward .

  5. 协商不成的,可以由人民调解委员会调解或者向人民法院提起诉讼。

    If no agreement is reached through consultation , they may apply to a people 's mediation committee for mediation or institute legal proceedings in a people 's court .

  6. 本文对运用何种方式最为有效地解决医疗纠纷的问题进行探讨,通过研究浙江省温岭市行业联合人民调解委员会的工作实践,从而得出人民调解手段有效性的结论。

    This thesis is to seek the most effective way to solve the medical disputes based on the practices of the mediation committee of industry union in Wenling , Zhejiang province .

  7. 第十六条人民调解委员会是在基层人民政府和基层人民法院指导下,调解民间纠纷的群众性组织。

    Article 16 The people 's conciliation committees shall be mass organizations to conduct conciliation of civil disputes under the guidance of the grass - roots level people 's governments and the basic level people 's courts .

  8. 然后,本文分析了我国医疗纠纷人民调解机制存在的不足之处,主要体现在医疗纠纷人民调解委员会设置的中立性不足、专业人才匮乏,缺乏配套衔接制度以及专门法律制度不完善四个方面。

    Then , this paper analyzed the deficiencies of this mechanism in our country , mainly reflected in the medical dispute mediation committee set the neutrality is insufficient , lack of professional talents , lack of necessary engagement system and legal system is not perfect in four aspects .

  9. 县级以上地方人民政府对人民调解工作所需经费应当给予必要的支持和保障,对有突出贡献的人民调解委员会和人民调解员应给予表彰奖励。

    The law stipulates that governments at the county level and above provide financial support for mediation work and honor and reward outstanding mediation committees and mediators .