
rén xíng tiān qiáo
  • Footbridge;passenger foot-bridge
人行天桥[rén xíng tiān qiáo]
  1. 我走过狭窄的人行天桥。

    I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge .

  2. 他们必须握着一条绳索充当扶手穿过一条紧急人行天桥。

    They had to walk across an emergency footbridge , holding onto a rope that served as a rail

  3. 轻质FRP人行天桥的动力特性研究

    Study on dynamic characteristics of light-weight FRP footbridges

  4. 通过叙述采用ANSYS进行钢结构人行天桥结构分析的步骤,介绍了使用ANSYS有限元软件进行人行天桥结构分析的方法。

    Through the analysis of the bridge structure , this article introduces an analysis method of bridge structure by using the finite element software-ANSYS .

  5. 采用TMD对振动过大的人行天桥进行控制,计算控制后的天桥的响应。

    TMD is used to control excessive vibration of the footbridge and the response of the pedestrian bridge under control is calculated .

  6. 预弯预应力混凝土梁应用在20~40m跨径的人行天桥中,有很大的优越性。跨径1400m悬索桥方案设计及关键技术问题研究

    This technique is most advantageous when used on overpasses with a span of 20 ~ 40m . Scheme design of the suspension bridge with a span of 1 400 meters and research on the key technology

  7. 1998年1月,南京市对全市32座人行天桥进行了全面的质量检查。QA-2PC即使在操作系统和网络不能提供完全保障的前提下,也可以保证全面的质量服务。

    In January 1998 Nanjing City made the full quality inspection of 32 passenger bridges in the whole city . QA-2PC can effectively provide overall QoS guaranteed services even in the absence of operating system and network QoS support .

  8. 三角形箱形截面无节点板全焊钢桁架人行天桥

    Design of Triangle Welded Box Truss Pedestrian Bridge without Gusset Plates

  9. 兼作人行天桥的新型大悬挑异型盖梁设计

    Design of Large Cantilever Top Beam in Allotype Double as Footbridge

  10. 大新站钢桁梁人行天桥过渡施工方案

    Transitional construction scheme for steel truss girder footbridge at Daxin station

  11. 钢结构人行天桥是一种特殊的结构形式。

    The steel pedestrian overcrossing is a kind of special structure .

  12. 活性粉末混凝土在人行天桥方面的研究与应用

    Research on the application of reactive power concrete in pedestrian bridge

  13. 某全铝合金人行天桥的计算和荷载分析

    Computational Analysis and Load Test of an Entire Avional Pedestrian Bridge

  14. 某钢结构人行天桥动力特性测试及有限元分析

    Dynamic testing and finite element analysis on a steel structural footbridge

  15. 一条人行天桥连接主航站楼和A厅。

    A pedestrian bridge links the main terminal and A Gates .

  16. 空间钢管桁架人行天桥的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis on Space Steel Pipe Truss Elevated Pedestrian Crossing

  17. 箱型截面杆件无节点板全焊钢桁架人行天桥设计

    Design of a Box Section No-panel Joint Full-welded Steel Truss Pedestrian Overpass

  18. 钢&混凝土混合箱梁人行天桥的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Box Girder Footbridge Combined with Steel and Concrete

  19. 系杆拱人行天桥静、动力特性计算与测试分析

    Static and Dynamic and Testing Analysis for Bar-arch Pedestrian Bridge

  20. 城市人行天桥与地下通道方案设计及比选

    Design , Comparison and Selection of Urban Pedestrian Overpass and Underpass Scheme

  21. 上海某铝合金人行天桥荷载试验分析

    Analysis on Load Test of an Aluminum Alloy Pedestrian Overpass in Shanghai

  22. 砼连续箱梁人行天桥振动特性测试与分析

    Vibration characteristics test and analysis on concrete box girder continuous pedestrian bridge

  23. 人行天桥钢箱梁剪力滞效应分析研究

    Analysis of Shear-lag Effect on Steel Box-girder of Pedestrian Overbridge

  24. 基于平面布置形状的人行天桥造型创新设计

    On Innovation Design of Pedestrian Bridge Modelling Based on Plane Layout Form

  25. 压型钢板与混凝土组合结构在城市人行天桥上的应用

    Application of Molded Steel Sheet and Concrete Composite Construction on Urban Pedestrian Overcrossing

  26. 特殊型式人行天桥的设计分析与处理措施

    The Design Analysis and Handling Measure of a Pedestrian over-bridge with special type

  27. 粉砂地层暗挖隧道穿越人行天桥施工技术

    The Construction Technology for Tunneling the Silt Stratum through the Pedestrian Overhead Bridge

  28. 城市人行天桥设计上几个问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems in Urban Pedestrian Overpass Design

  29. 变截面刚架人行天桥结构计算与稳定性分析

    Structure Calculation and Stability Analysis of Pedestrian Bridge in Frame with Taper Section

  30. 现代竹结构技术在人行天桥中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Modern Bamboo Structure Pedestrian Bridge