
  • 网络Private Garden;English gardens
  1. 透过落地窗可以看到私家花园,它一直延伸到不列颠广场(Britanskitrg)。

    Floor-to-ceiling windows look onto a private garden , which extends to British Square ( Britanski trg ) .

  2. 几乎每户都有私家花园,

    almost every unit with its own private garden ,

  3. 苏州的大多数园林有几百年的历史了,以前都曾经是私家花园。

    Most Suzhou gardens are centuries old and were once private gardens .

  4. 中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两类。

    Chinese garden can be divided into two categories : the imperial and the private .

  5. 每个自足洋房配备一个室外私家花园和巴厘浴淋浴。

    Each self-contained detached villas is equipped with an outdoor private Balinese bath and garden shower .

  6. 这类小区的建筑独具个性、环境要求高、拥有面积较大的私家花园。

    Type of residential architecture unique personality , environmental requirements , was high , larger private gardens .

  7. 11-17世纪俄罗斯东正教影响了城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭园的发展。

    The Russian Orthodox Church influenced the development of cities , private and monastery gardens in 11-17 centuries .

  8. 来自非洲中东部和西部的成功移民http://www.remword.cn在拥有私家花园的大片白领区。

    Successful immigrants from the Middle East and west Africa cluster in a large white-collar estate with private gardens .

  9. 中回林可分为御花酬私家花园两类,有时人们也会加上风景园林。

    Chinese gardens can be divided into two categories , the imperial the private , and sometimes landscape gardens are considered .

  10. 午餐后将游览郭庄,这是一座杭州现存最好的古典私家花园。

    After lunch , you will also visit Guo 's Villa that is the best existing traditional private garden in Hang Zhou .

  11. 晚清上海部分私家花园受西学东渐风潮的影响,成为向公众开放的娱乐活动场所。

    In the latter of Qing Dynasty , some private gardens transformed their enclosed space into public entertainment places caused by the west influence .

  12. 这些人我几乎都不认得,也很少与他们说话,但眼前这情形就像我未经允许擅自闯进他们的私家花园一般。

    These were people I barely knew and seldom spoke to , but it was as if I had come unbidden into their personal gardens .

  13. 让多数城市居民家庭有一个私家花园,仍然是新世纪家园追求的目标。

    But providing each family with a garden is still our pursuit in the new century . There 's a large amount of population in China , while less land is available .

  14. 南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山、亭、小巧玲珑,布局精明,尽显其自然美,令人赏心悦目。

    Small and delicate , cleverly laid out and pleasing to eye , the streams , bridges , rockeries and pavilion of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own .

  15. 南方私家花园中的溪、桥、山、亭小巧玲珑,布局精明,尽显其自然美,令人赏心悦目。

    Small and delicate , cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye , the streams , bridges , rockeries and pavilion of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own .

  16. 围绕私家花园的高墙已经开裂&欧洲的情况比美国严重,但运营商没能从它们的数据服务中获得大笔收入的情况普遍存在。

    The walls around the walled gardens have been crumbling - more so in Europe than the US , but the failure of operators to generate meaningful revenues from their data services is widely apparent .

  17. 本文对中世纪时期到爱德华七世时代等六个时期英国私家花园的历史背景、功能特点、设计风格及常用植物种类进行了介绍和分析,为我国日益兴起的别墅庭院及私人庭院设计提供借鉴。

    The article analyzed the background , characters , style and popular plants of English garden from the Medieval period to Edwardian era , It is to provide useful information for increasingly arisen villa garden design or private small garden design in china .

  18. 在很多地方,电信网络运营商决定哪些手机服务可以得到客户的关注,将它们作为自己偏爱的服务,收入运营商的“私家花园”,并界面或菜单里让它们在优先位置呈现在用户面前。

    In many places , network operators decide which mobile services will receive the oxygen of attention , admitting them to their " walled gardens " of favoured services and giving them preferential positions on the " decks " , or content menus , that appear in front of users .