
  • 网络General Atlantic LLC;barclays private equity
  1. 另一宗来自私募基金公司TPGCapital,与之联手收购的可能是风投公司GreylockPartners。

    The other comes from TPG capital , potentially in partnership with Greylock partners .

  2. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  3. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,雅虎公司(Yahoo)联合创始人杨致远和董事会其他成员已私下告知四家大型私募基金公司,董事会不会支持对公司的整体收购要约。

    Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang and other board members have privately told four major private equity firms that the board would not support a takeover offer for the entire company , fortune has learned .

  4. 有些到奥马哈参加股东大会的投资者抱怨说,巴菲特过于放任自流,他也许应该效仿一下维权股东,比如对冲基金公司潘兴广场(PershingSquare)基金经理比尔o阿克曼,或者像私募基金公司3GCapital那样专门致力于扭亏。

    Buffett 's comments came amid grumbling from some investors gathered in Omaha that the Oracle is too hands-off and perhaps should take a page from activist shareholders like Pershing Square Capital 's BillAckman or turnaround specialists like private equity firm 3G Capital .

  5. 另一方面是不受监管、暗中经营的私募基金公司。

    Then there are the unregulated private fund managers operating in the shadows .

  6. 要说清楚投资私募基金公司是怎么回事其实也很简单。

    The case for investing in private-equity firms can be put pretty simply .

  7. 汉盛资本(中国)公司是一家专门针对中国投资成立的私募基金公司。

    Crimson Capital China is a private equity fund established to solely invest in china .

  8. 但是,雅虎再次警告这些私募基金公司别来插手。

    But , again , Yahoo has told each of the private equity firms to back off .

  9. 对私募基金公司而言,面对突出的信息不对称问题时,需要通过设计合理有效的治理机制来协调基金经理与企业经理层之间的关系。

    We need to design a reasonable and effective governance mechanisms to coordinate the relationship between fund managers and corporate managers .

  10. 注册为券商后将出现很高的合规成本,由此带来的深度监管也会让私募基金公司很不自在。

    Complying with broker-dealer registration is costly , and opens up a depth of regulatory scrutiny to which private equity is unaccustomed .

  11. 大卫表示,应该要求收取交易费的私募基金公司注册为券商,而不仅仅是投资顾问。

    He gave a speech arguing that private equity firms receiving transaction fees should be required to register as broker-dealers , rather than simply as investment advisors .

  12. 考虑到私募基金公司掌握的资金规模更不用说收购交易中的买方资金了他认为加强监管是恰当的做法。

    And given how much money private equity firms are managing – not to mention those on the other sides of buyout deals – he believes greater oversight is appropriate .

  13. 路透社(Reuters)报道,长江实业还在与私募股权基金公司洽谈飞机收购事宜,其中包括泰丰资本(TerraFirma)旗下的租赁公司AWASAviationCapitalLtd,该笔交易所涉金额甚至更高,达50亿美元左右。

    Reuters reported that Cheung Kong is also in talks to buy aircraft being sold by private equity firms including Terra Firma-owned lessor AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd , in an even bigger deal worth about $ 5 billion .

  14. 这个假期结局如何,肯定会影响市场也将决定服装连锁品牌j.crew的股东,是否同意一组私募股权基金公司出价30亿美元收购该品牌。

    How this holiday season turns out will certainly move the market-as well as determining whether shareholders approve the $ 3 billion sale announced on November 23rd of J. crew , a clothing chain , to a group of private-equity firms .

  15. 监管机构正在研究相关措施,解决“阳光”私募基金管理公司的问题。

    Regulatory developments are underway to address the " sunshine " private fund managers .

  16. 基金的主要分类有公募基金和私募基金,公司型基金、契约型基金和有限合伙型基金。

    The main kinds of fund are public fund and private fund , corporate fund , contract fund and limited partnership fund .

  17. 因为这场经济衰退迫使弱势零售商破产,为活下来的企业留下了更多空间,因而私募股权基金公司渐渐热衷收购拥有强势品牌的零售商。

    Private-equity firms have become keen on retailers with strong brands because the recession has forced weaker ones out of business , leaving more space for the survivors .

  18. 报告显示,大型银行的女性领导者比例最高,而对冲基金和私募股权基金公司的比例最低。

    The review showed that big banks had the highest proportion of women in leading positions , while hedge funds and private equity funds trailed at the bottom .

  19. 公司目前由私募基金中桥合伙公司(CenterbridgePartners)、保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co.)和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)所有。

    The company is now owned by private equity firms centerbridge partners , Paulson & Co. and Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  20. 10宗规模最大的发行中,有5宗是获得私募基金支持的公司,包括HCA、KinderMorgan和尼尔森控股公司(NielsenHoldings)。

    Five of the 10 largest offerings have been for private equity-backed companies , including HCA , kinder Morgan ( KMI ) and Nielsen Holdings ( nlsn ) .

  21. 四环医药的创始人是前军医。摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)旗下的私募股权基金持有该公司部分股权。

    Sihuan , whose founders are former military doctors , is part-owned by Morgan Stanley private equity funds .

  22. 上市公司与私募基金可联姻境内公司海外私募法律问题研究

    Studies on the Legal Issues in Overseas Private Placement by Domestic Corporations

  23. 他称,大多数私募基金并不想让公司面临由向公众进行公开宣传带来的额外审查。

    Most private funds , he says , don 't want to subject themselves to the extra scrutiny that would come with marketing openly to the public .