
  • 网络Global Macro Hedge Fund
  1. 全球宏观对冲基金也呼应这种目标。

    There is an echo here of global macro hedge funds .

  2. 这已经超越了全球宏观对冲基金的交易策略。

    That goes beyond the trading strategies of global macro hedge funds .

  3. 对冲基金研究(HedgeFundResearch)表示,今年迄今为止,全球宏观对冲基金平均下跌0.2%。

    The average global macro hedge fund is down 0.2 per cent so far this year , according to Hedge Fund Research .

  4. grantcapital将避开难以出手的资产担保证券和高杠杆率(正是这些金融工具导致了peloton的垮台),坚持走自由式全球宏观对冲基金(globalmacrohedgefund)路线。

    Grant capital will avoid the hard-to-sell asset-backed securities and heavy leverage that proved the downfall of peloton and stick to the freewheeling global macro hedge fund style now coming back into fashion .

  5. 全球宏观对冲基金在流动性最高的一些市场展开交易,如利率衍生品、货币与主要股指。

    Global macro involves trading some of the most liquid markets such as interest rate derivatives , currencies and major stock market indices .