
  • 网络Global Stock Markets
  1. 在这段极其动荡不安的时间,有个星期全球股票市场狂跌七兆美金,我接到《时代杂志》(Times)编辑的电话,问我说:「您写过关于祷告的书。

    During one of the most volatile periods , a week in which global stock markets declined by $ 7 trillion , I received a call from an editor at Time . " You wrote a book on prayer , right ?" he said .

  2. 虽然去年全球股票市场下跌,但美林黄金和通用信托却上涨了53%。理查德•戴维斯

    The Merrill Lynch Gold and General Trust rose 53 percent last year as global stock markets fell .

  3. 据统计,2007年底全球股票市场总市值57.4万亿美元,约为当年全球GDP的1.2倍。

    In 2007 , the total market value of global stock market is 57.4 trillion dollar about 1.2 times of the GDP that year .

  4. 全球股票市场的总损失超过20万亿美元,相当于1.5倍的美国2008年GDP,远远超过了第二次世界大战带来的经济损失。

    The total global stock market lost more than USD 20 trillion , equivalent to 1.5 times the United States in 2008 GDP , far more than economic loss caused by the Second World War .

  5. 这一突破与其它全球股票市场的强劲走势相吻合,尤其是美国股市。本周,道琼斯工业平均指数(DJIA)连创新高,不过昨日该指数仍未能突破12000点大关,报收于11960.51点。

    The breakthrough mirrored strength in other global equity markets , notably the US , where the Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit record highs this week - although yesterday it was still shy of breaking through the 12,000 barrier and closed at 11, 960.51 .

  6. 历史上的今天-黑色星期一2008年,全球股票市场黑色星期一。

    Black Monday 2008 - Black Monday in worldwide stock markets .

  7. 对全球股票市场来说,十月是一个充满变数的月份。

    October was a mixed month for global equity markets .

  8. 2008年,全球股票市场黑色星期一。

    2008 – Black Monday in worldwide stock markets .

  9. 这次危机因为近期造成全球股票市场的不稳定而备受指责。

    The upheaval is blamed for recent stock market volatility across the globe .

  10. 尽管如此,在过去两个月里,全球股票市场走出了漂亮反弹。

    That said , global equity markets have rebounded smartly over the past two months .

  11. 尽管最近全球股票市场极不稳定,亚洲开发银行对亚洲的经济增长仍然持乐观看法。

    Despite the recent volatility in global stock markets , the Asian Development Bank remains upbeat for growth for Asia .

  12. 说在全球股票市场的不确定性和挥发性中,许多投资者把钱投入到日用品中,比如油。

    Hanke says amid uncertainty and volatility in global stock markets , many investors have poured money into commodities such as oil .

  13. 每周的新闻媒体似乎被狂跌的全球股票市场所带来的绝望感强烈影响着。

    The daily news media seem to feed upon the sense of despair caused by the unimaginable declines in the world stock markets .

  14. 该小组指出,美国在低通胀环境下持续取得强劲的经济增长,并强调有需要监察全球股票市场的最新发展。

    The group noted the continued strong non-inflationary growth in the United States and emphasised the need to monitor developments in global equity markets .

  15. 全球股票市场星期四涨跌不一,投资者对美国经济刺激计划以及更多来自企业的黯淡消息感到担忧。

    World Markets Mixed Amid Stimulus and Corporate Concerns World markets were mixed Thursday due to investor concerns over the U.S. stimulus plan and more gloomy corporate news .

  16. 从全球股票市场发展来看,许多国家和地区的股票市场普遍存在新股抑价现象,有研究显示发展程度较高的证券市场平均新股抑价率低于发展程度较低的新兴市场。

    Looking at the development of global stock market , IPO underpricing exists in stock markets of many countries and regions , and empirical studies showed that IPO underpricing in highly developed markets is lower than that in developing emerging markets .

  17. IPO抑价现象在全球各股票市场上普遍存在,在我国尤为严重。

    IPO under-pricing is commonly found in the stock market around the world and is particularly severe in domestic stock market .

  18. 在金融业复苏的推动下,全球许多股票市场周二进一步强劲攀升。

    Many equity markets enjoyed further strong gains on Tuesday , fuelled by the resurgent financial sector .

  19. 全球的股票市场屈从到另外的一个吵闹的星期,在亚洲和欧洲险峻地落下。

    Stockmarkets around the world succumbed to another tumultuous week , falling steeply in Asia and Europe .

  20. 自从6月以来,上海证券交易所综合股价指下跌了35%还多,令全球的股票市场都产生动荡。

    Shanghai 's Composite Index of Shares has lost more than 35 percent of its value since June , destabilizing stock markets across the world .

  21. 汽车、半导体和工业器材产业的下景气,特别对日立构成了危害,由于全球股票交易市场的急剧下滑,有价证券账面价值缩水也是亏损的原因之一。

    Declines in the automobile , semiconductor and industrial equipment industries especially hurt Hitachi , as well as write-downs of securities due to the sharp declines in global stock exchanges .

  22. 随著欧元推出,预期全球股票和债券市场表现会更为反覆。

    Volatility in global equity and bond markets is expected to increase with the emergence of euro .

  23. 虽然全球股票和债券市场均小幅上涨,但欧元兑美元仍下跌0.9%。

    While global stocks and bonds made modest gains , the euro fell 0.9 per cent against the dollar .

  24. 澳大利亚金融体系十分健全,股票市场非常发达,在全球各大股票市场指数评估中排名第八;

    Australia has a very sound financial system , whose stock market is extremely developed and ranked as the 8th of the world by Morgan Stanley .

  25. 我强烈怀疑,全球股票和债券市场,以及大宗商品市场的某些领域,已经形成又一个泡沫。

    I suspect strongly that we are already in another bubble in the global equity and bonds markets , and also in sections of the commodity markets .

  26. 由于投资者听说了欧洲的行动和美国有可能才需的下一步措施,全球主要的股票市场在经历上周跳水后,开始强力反弹。

    Major stock markets around the world surged higher after plunging ever lower last week as traders began to hear of Europe 's actions and the possibility of further steps in the United States .

  27. 在全球资本过剩,股票市场高度杠杆化的时候,市场会给与重视价值,而不是时髦的人最大的回报。

    A highly leveraged market will reward those who focus on value but not vogue .

  28. 虽然昨天下滑了1%,但上海股市今年已上涨16%,表现优于全球其他所有主要股票市场。

    The Shanghai market has gained 16 per cent this year , despite a 1 per cent slip yesterday , and has outperformed all other global equity markets .

  29. 过去一年,我们总是听到,全球经济增长和股票市场将受到欧洲逐渐复苏的大力推动。

    For the past year , we 've been hearing that global growth , and the world 's equity markets , will get a major lift from a gradual recovery in Europe .

  30. 如果新公司自己动手投资于全球股票和大宗商品市场,那么它立刻就会为人所知,并可能令市场不安,引来大量关注。

    If the new body were to invest on its own in world equity and commodity markets , it would be known immediately and could disturb the market and attract a lot of attention .