
  1. 不仅如此,全球央行持有的储备中,约三分之二为美元资产,这使得它们成为了奥巴马(obama)政府的人质。

    Not only that , global central banks holding about two thirds of their reserves in dollars are hostage to the Obama administration .

  2. PaulsonandCo合伙人、黄金策略师约翰•里德(JohnReade)表示,该基金尚未改变投资黄金的长期主题,认为全球央行的量化宽松政策最终将导致通胀上扬:

    John Reade , Paulson and Co partner and gold strategist , said the fund had not changed its long-term thesis on gold , arguing that quantitative easing by central banks would ultimately lead to higher inflation :

  3. 根据全球央行官员的央行——国际清算银行(BIS)的最新数据,全球衍生品合约的余额总量已从2012年的峰值700万亿美元降低至约550万亿美元。

    According to the latest data from the Bank for International Settlements , the central bankers " central bank , the total amount of outstanding derivative contracts has declined from a 2012 peak of $ 700tn to about $ 550tn .

  4. 从表面上看,中国人民银行(PBoC)8月19日最新一次上调利率的意外举措,似乎只不过是另一个例子,说明了全球央行是如何通过收紧信贷环境来消除通胀威胁的。

    On the surface , the People 's Bank of China 's ( PBOC ) most recent and surprise interest rate rise on August 19 appears to be simply another example of how central banks globally are acting to snuff out the threat of inflation by tightening credit conditions .

  5. 全球央行已积累了大约10万亿元的外汇储备。

    Central banks have accumulated about 10000bn in foreign exchange reserves .

  6. 全球央行对华投资也十分积极。

    Global central banks have also been active .

  7. 过去6年,全球央行已增持1800吨黄金。

    They have added 1,800 tonnes to their holdings in the past six years .

  8. 2014年,全球央行面临各式各样的挑战。

    The world 's central banks face a diverse set of challenges in 2014 .

  9. 而美联储周围有太多敌对势力,使其不适合作为全球央行。

    The US Federal Reserve is too besieged to act as a global central bank .

  10. 贝南克的讲话只是一个信号,它预示着全球央行官员可能推出影响市场的重大举措。

    Mr. Bernanke 's comments are just a foretaste of central bankers ' likely rocking of markets .

  11. 在现实中,我们不仅没有全球央行,而且各国通胀形势也千差万别。

    In practice , not only do we have no global central bank , but inflation conditions are divergent .

  12. 外汇基金的资料透明度是全球央行及货币管理机构中最高之一。

    The information disclosure of the exchange fund is one of the most transparent among central banks and monetary authorities .

  13. 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔在美联储年会上发表了上述决定,年会由全球央行官员和顶级经济学家参与。

    Chairman Jerome Powell made the remark at the Fed 's annual gathering of global central bankers and top economists .

  14. 全球央行向市场注入巨量的短期流动性,并未让这场危机就此终结。

    This crisis was not brought to closure by the world 's central banks ' injection of huge doses of short-term liquidity .

  15. 2000年以来,市场的标志性趋势之一,是全球央行外汇储备超乎寻常的增长。

    One of the defining trends in markets this decade has been the extraordinary growth in global central banks ' foreign exchange reserves .

  16. 可能促使点心债券市场继续上涨的一个因素是,全球央行和主权财富基金的到来。

    One development that might fuel further gains in the dim sum market is the arrival of global central banks and sovereign wealth funds .

  17. 目前,全球央行外汇储备总额从21世纪初的2万亿美元增至7万亿美元,创历史新高纪录。

    Global central bank reserves now stand at $ 7000bn , a record high , up from $ 2000bn at the start of the decade .

  18. 全球央行在其巨额外汇储备中减持美元资产,转向其它货币的可能性,长期以来一直是投资者的忧虑根源之一。

    The prospect of global central banks diversifying their huge foreign exchange reserves away from the dollar has long been a source of concern for investors .

  19. 各国央行之间加强协作:有关全球央行需加强协作以确保稳定的提议已越来越得到认同。

    Better central bank coordination : A proposal that 's gaining traction is that the world 's central banks need to better coordinate action to ensure stability .

  20. 全球央行向欧洲银行体系注入大量廉价美元的干预举动,既起到了安抚的作用,也是一种预警。

    The intervention by central banks around the world to inject vast amounts of cheap dollars into the European banking system was a source of reassurance and alarm .

  21. 为了减少美元和欧元储备、使储备多样化,全球央行仍然在大举购买黄金,第二季度的购买量创下157.5吨的历史新高。

    Central banks continued their bullion buying spree as they diversify their reserves away from dollars and euros , purchasing 157.5 tons in the second quarter , a record .

  22. 亚洲人的生活水准低于自己的收入水平,积累了巨额储蓄(仅中国和日本就占全球央行储备的40%),这使得美国人的生活水准能高于自己的收入水平。

    By accumulating vast savings China and Japan alone boast 40 per cent of global central bank reserves Asians have lived below their means so that Americans could live beyond theirs .

  23. 2014年,全球央行总共净购入461吨黄金,比2013年高出13%,为自1971年金本位终结以来第二高位,在此次金融危机之后,各国央行继续对其外汇储备多元化。

    Central banks around the world bought a net 461 tonnes of gold in 2014 13 per cent higher than the previous year and the second-highest level since the collapse of the gold standard in 1971 as they continued to diversify their currency reserves following the financial crisis .

  24. 虽然美联储之前说明会采取此举,但其出台时机仍出人意料,令投资者重新担忧:随着全球央行开始收回对信贷市场的支持,收紧货币政策,提高利率,经济体和企业将如何应付。

    While the move had been well-flagged , its timing was a surprise and refocused investors on worries about how economies and companies will cope as central banks around the globe start to withdraw support for credit markets and tighten monetary policy , leading to higher interest rates .

  25. 欧洲央行(ecb)与全球其它央行协力提供美元融资,以阻止欧元区银行发生流动性危机的举动,推动这些银行的股票在周四出现短暂反弹。

    The offer of dollar funding by the European Central Bank and other global central banks to ward off a liquidity crisis among eurozone banks prompted a relief rally in their shares on Thursday .

  26. 瀚亚投资(eastspringinvestments)固定收益部首席投资官黄文彬(ooiboonpeng)补充称,全球各国央行也增大了对亚洲固定收益债券的长期资产配置权重。

    Ooi boon Peng , chief investment officer for fixed income at eastspring investments , adds that central banks around the world are putting greater long-term allocations towards Asian fixed income .

  27. 而伦敦资产管理公司millenniumglobalinvestments的董事总经理艾伦爱斯纳(alaneisner)指出,另一方面,全球各国央行或许希望将手中持有的大量美元资产分散为其他投资。

    On the other hand , global central banks still ' hold a lot of dollars that they would like to diversify into other investments , ' said Alan Eisner , managing director at Millennium global investments , a London asset-management firm specializing in currencies .

  28. 全球主要央行的举措也影响了市场。

    The actions of central banks have also affected the market .

  29. 全球主要央行和政府都在采取着类似举措。

    Around the globe central banks and governments are making similar moves .

  30. 在本周末全球主要央行官员在巴塞尔的会议上,将仔细研究这些数据。

    The figures will also be carefully studied when leading central bankers meet in Basel this weekend .