
  • 网络total debt;TOTAL LIABILITIES;gross debt
  1. 再计入意大利的话,EFSF资金与这五国总债务的比率将下降至大约10%。

    Enter Italy and the coverage ratio of EFSF funds to total debt for those five countries declines to about 10 per cent .

  2. 中国的总债务与GDP之比已从2008年的130%升至2013年底的逾200%;在其他经济体,这种债务增速往往是金融危机的先兆。

    Total debt as a percentage of GDP rose from 130 per cent in 2008 to more than 200 per cent by the end of 2013 , the kind of increase that has often preceded financial crises in other economies .

  3. 与120万英镑的总债务相比,他们所欠国内税收署的那点钱实在不算什么。

    What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £ 1.2 million debt

  4. 违约的目的是将总债务相对GDP的比率降至60%。

    The goal would be reduce the total debt-to-GDP ratio to 60 per cent .

  5. 假定上述国家在总债务与GDP的比率为80%的情况下,能以可承受的利息成本向私人市场借款。

    Assume that these countries could borrow affordably in private markets at a gross debt ratio of 80 per cent of GDP .

  6. 根据香港建银国际(ccbinternational)的数据,去年放贷占中国总债务的大约75%。

    Lending accounted for about 75 per cent of all debt in China last year , according to data from China Construction Bank International .

  7. 国际货币基金组织(imf)预测,未来几年瑞士的政府总债务会降至gdp的50%以下。

    In the next few years the international monetary fund expects Swiss gross government debt to fall below 50 per cent of GDP .

  8. 在美国,从1981年到2009年期间,私人总债务占GDP的比例从123%上升至293%。

    The ratio of private gross debt to US gross domestic product rose from 123 per cent in 1981 to 293 per cent in 2009 .

  9. 其结果是,在麦肯锡研究的所有高收入经济体中,近年总债务相对于GDP都出现上升,只有以色列例外。

    As a result , gross debt has risen relative to GDP in all the high-income economies examined by McKinsey , with the exception of Israel .

  10. 整体而言,欧元区处于外部平衡状态,其公共部门总债务相对于国内生产总值(gdp)的百分比低于美国。

    Overall , it is in external balance and its combined public debt , as a percentage of gross domestic product , is lower than the US .

  11. 就美国而言,从2008年到2011年第二季度,总债务与国内生产总值(gdp)之比下降了16个百分点。

    In the case of the US , leverage declined by 16 percentage points , relative to gross domestic product , between 2008 and the second quarter of 2011 .

  12. 但上世纪80年初,希腊的劳动力成本和外债规模开始大幅上升&1979年至1985年,希腊总债务相对国内生产总值(GDP)的比率从8%升至42%。

    But in the early 1980s labour costs and foreign indebtedness started to rise sharply – between 1979-85 , total indebtedness rose from 8 to 42 per cent of gross national product .

  13. 中国在重演故伎之时,冒着让快速增长的债务负担变得更加沉重的风险。据估计,该国总债务占GDP的比重已经接近300%。

    But in turning to its old playbook , China risks adding to its already fast-growing pile of debt , which by some estimates is nearly 300 percent of gross domestic product .

  14. 随着实际GDP不断萎缩,西班牙的财政状况正迅速恶化:预计总债务与GDP之比将从2007年的36%升至79%,而且今年还将继续升高。

    With real GDP contracting , its fiscal position is worsening rapidly : gross debt is forecast to increase from 36 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 79 per cent and rising this year .

  15. 网秦称总债务为3436.9万美元,其中1687.1万美元据称是VIE的债务。

    NQ mobile reports total liabilities of US $ 34,369,000 of which $ 16,871,000 are said to be liabilities of the vie .

  16. 该分析认为,到2014年,希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙的总债务与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率将分别达到180%、145%和135%。

    According to this analysis , by 2014 the ratio of gross debt to gross domestic product will have risen to 180 per cent in Greece , 145 per cent in Ireland and 135 per cent in Portugal .

  17. 野田佳彦形容此类提议是对央行独立性的潜在危险打击,同时重拾已导致日本政府总债务达到GDP两倍多的浪费巨大的建设政策。

    Mr Noda has portrayed such proposals as a potentially dangerous assault on central bank independence and a return to the wasteful construction policies that have helped saddle the state with gross debt of more than twice GDP .

  18. 在沃克尔30年前入主美联储之前的数十年期间,美国国民储蓄率一直相对稳定,相当于国内生产总值(gdp)的20%左右,而美国总债务大约是gdp的160%。

    When Volker walked into the Fed 30 years ago , the US national savings rate had been relatively static for decades at around 20 per cent of GDP and total US debt to GDP was about 160 per cent .

  19. 该公司总债务达到息税折旧及摊销前利润(Ebitda)的9.5倍,使其属于评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor’s)所定义的“高杠杆”类别。

    Its total debt is 9.5 times its annual earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation ( ebitda ) , putting it into the " highly-leveraged " category as defined by Standard & Poor 's , the rating agency .

  20. 美国私人部门总债务占国民生产总值(GDP)的比例,已从1978年的118%飙升至2008年的290%。债务通缩可能引发大规模破产、需求下降和进一步通缩的螺旋式下行。

    In the US , whose private sector gross debt soared from 118 per cent of gross domestic product in 1978 to 290 per cent in 2008 , debt deflation could trigger a downward spiral of mass insolvency , falling demand and further deflation .

  21. 新文件称,基于对恢复危机前长期增长水平的预测,若不加以限制,欧盟总债务与GDP的比例最早可能在2014年达到100%,并且随后还将继续上升。

    The document says , based on projections of a return to long-term pre-crisis growth levels , that without consolidation , the gross debt-to-GDP ratio for the EU could reach 100 per cent of GDP as early as 2014 , and keep on increasing .

  22. 部分国有的亏损机械公司中联重科(Zoomlion)目前正以33亿美元洽购美国对手特雷克斯(Terex)。该公司的总债务为Ebitda的83倍;

    Zoomlion , a lossmaking and partially state-owned Chinese machinery company that is bidding for US rival Terex , has a debt multiple of 83 ;

  23. 从1981年至2008年第3季度,金融业总债务在GDP中所占比例从22%升至117%,而非金融公司总债务占GDP的比例仅从53%升至76%。

    The gross debt of the financial sector rose from 22 per cent of GDP in 1981 to 117 per cent in the third quarter of 2008 , while the debt of non-financial corporations rose only from 53 per cent to 76 per cent of GDP .

  24. 金融对比网站的女发言人SallyTindall表示。在对信用卡总债务堪忧的同时,她也警告人们要避免陷入“债务循环”。

    Financial comparison website spokeswoman Sally Tindall said while the overall debt on cards was a concern she warned people to avoid getting trapped in a " debt cycle . "

  25. 上周我在文章中提到(《保尔森计划非全面解危方案》),美国金融部门总债务占GDP的百分比从1980年的21%,上升到2007年的116%。

    As I noted last week ( Paulson 's plan was not a true solution to the crisis , September 23 ), the gross liabilities of the US financial sector have soared from just 21 per cent of gross domestic product in 1980 to 116 per cent in 2007 .

  26. 私人股本公司拥有的哈拉娱乐集团(Harrah's)的情况则不同。该公司约220亿美元的总债务,是去年未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的足足11倍。

    Private equity-owned Harrah 's , whose total debt of about $ 22bn is a hefty 11 times last year 's earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation , is in a different position .

  27. 实证结果表明,衡量公司资本结构的主要指标,例如总债务比例、长期债务比例、短期债务比例和公司绩效指标,如ROA和市值面值比附相关。

    The empirical results indicate that all measures of capital structure ( i.e. , the total debt ratio , the long-term debt ratio , and the short-term debt ratio ) are negatively related to the firm performance ( i.e. , the return on assets and the market-to-book ratio ) .

  28. 通过通胀令政府总债务的10%化为乌有,将有助于政府财政。

    It would help government finances by inflating away 10 per cent of total government debt .

  29. 总债务与总资产比率

    Total Debt to Total Assets

  30. 但跟英国能源公司相比,雪弗莱克只是一条小鱼,它的总债务只有429百万欧元。

    But Schefenacker , with total debts of euro429m , was a tiddler next to British Energy .