
  • 网络Quantitative easing
  1. 第四,量化宽松的货币政策并不完全有效,同时也带来了新风险。

    Fourthly , quantitative easing monetary policy is not completely effective , but it also brings new risks .

  2. 在这种经济金融大背景下,美国、日本、欧洲先后实施量化宽松的货币政策,意图刺激需求,振兴经济,防止衰退。

    In this context , America , Japan and Europe implemented the Quantitative Easing Policy ( QEP ) in succession intending to stimulate demand , revive the economy and prevent a recession .

  3. 从金融危机爆发以来,美国采取了两轮量化宽松的货币政策。

    Since the outbreak of financial crisis , the United States has taken two rounds of quantitative loose monetary policy .

  4. 日本实行量化宽松的货币政策已多年,国际金融市场从未因此剧烈震荡过。

    Despite the monetary policy of quantitative easing by Japan for years , the international financial market has never been vigorously shocked because of it .

  5. 为了应对金融危机,各国都用积极财政政策和量化宽松的货币政策来拉动经济增长。

    In order to rescue the financial crisis , many countries take advantage of active fiscal policy and quantitative easing monetary policy to stimulate economic growth .

  6. 有学者认为本次金融危机的发生归因于长期量化宽松的货币政策,导致资产泡沫产生、信贷扩张过度、进而导致金融机构过多的承担风险,造成整个金融系统风险集聚。

    Some scholars conclude that long-term quantitative easing policy generated bubbles in property and excessive credit expansion caused high risk in financial system , which finally lead to financial crisis .

  7. 而量化宽松的货币政策以金融市场的稳定为目标,通过直接扩大央行资产负债表的规模来提供流动性,防止金融危机的蔓延。

    Thus quantitative easing monetary policy regards financial market stability as the goal , expand the size of the central bank balance sheet directly to provide liquidity and prevent the crisis from spreading .

  8. 第七,量化宽松的货币政策的退出应该考虑通胀压力、失业率和财政赤字等影响因素,通过渐进的方式有序的退出。

    Seventhly , quantitative easing policy should take influencing factors such as inflation pressures , unemployment and fiscal deficits into account in the exit strategy , through a gradual and orderly way out .

  9. 他所领导的政府采用了一项财政刺激计划,并授权英格兰银行采取量化宽松的货币政策&主要是用政府债券购买金融资产向经济中注入资金。

    His government brought in a fiscal stimulus and authorised the Bank of England to pursue " quantitative easing " & injecting money into the economy by buying financial assets , mainly government bonds .

  10. 金融危机发生后,美国量化宽松的货币政策导致世界物价普遍上升、通货膨胀严重,发展中国家也深受其影响。

    After the financial crisis the quantitative loose monetary policy of the United States led to a general increase of prices all over the world and serious inflation . The developing countries were also affected .

  11. 第二,量化宽松的货币政策主要通过降低利率并承诺维持很长一段时间、提供给金融机构流动性、向金融市场直接注入流动性和购买政府长期债券四个方面进行。

    Secondly , quantitative easing monetary policy is carried out by mainly through promising maintaining low interest rates for a long time , providing liquidity to financial institutions , providing liquidity to finance market directly and purchasing long term government bonds .

  12. 国际上,美国欧洲等发达国家经济发展缓慢,失业人数大量增加,量化宽松的货币政策和欧债危机对世界经济与金融产生了深远影响。

    Internationally , the United States and Europe and other countries , its economy has slowed and the number of unemployed is significant increasing , the quantitative easing monetary policy and debt crises in Europe had a profound financial impact in the world economy .