
liàng xíng
  • measurement of penalty;光量刑 light quantum;determine what punishment to give
量刑 [liàng xíng]
  • [determine what punishment to give] 法院依照法律,根据罪犯的罪行性质、情节、对社会危害程度及认罪态度而裁定刑罚类型

量刑[liàng xíng]
  1. 量刑建议权的过程对抗化;

    Making the process of suggesting right for measurement of penalty competitive ;

  2. 量刑建议权制度研究

    Study on the System of the Right of Suggestion for Measurement of Penalty

  3. 我们应该根据罪行量刑。

    We should fit the punishment to the crime .

  4. 他说量刑时应当做到罚罪相当。

    He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing .

  5. 判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重?

    Was Pollard 's life sentence just or was it too severe ?

  6. 从所犯罪行来看,这一量刑完全不合理。

    This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence .

  7. 新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与叛国罪相同的量刑标准。

    The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason .

  8. 他说,她还年轻,而这一点在对她量刑时将会予以考虑。

    She was still young , he said , and that would be taken into account when deciding her sentence

  9. 尽管量刑幅度很大,但是这些指控仍面临长达5年的刑期。

    These charges can carry prison terms of up to five years , though there 's a wide margin of discretion

  10. 有了犯罪梯度,我们就可以将犯罪与刑罚建立对应联系,最大程度地避免量刑上的畸轻畸重。

    Once we have the scale , we can set up a corresponding relationship between a crime and a punishment , and avoid sentence unbalance to the most extent .

  11. 这是朝正确的方向迈出了一步,但我们仍希望看到美国量刑委员会对准则做出进一步的改变。

    This is a step in the right direction , but we 'd like to see the U.S. Sentencing Commission make further changes to the guidelines .

  12. 美国量刑委员会是制定判刑准则的机构,正在重新讨论这些准则,建议将最低刑期从6-12个月提高到21-27个月。

    The U.S. Sentencing Commission , which creates these sentencing guidelines , is revisiting them , proposing to raise the minimum sentence from 6-12 to 21-27 months .

  13. 但是联邦法官们通常都严格依照《美国量刑准则》来判决,而对动物角斗案件方面,这些准则已经过时并且过轻。

    But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties , and in the case of animal fighting , those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate .

  14. 这三名警察将在今年晚些时候以协助和教唆罪受审。八周后宣布量刑结果

    The three others are due to face trial later this year on aiding-and-abetting charges .

  15. 前者是盗窃金融机构罪,比一般的盗窃罪量刑重得多

    Former it is blame of larcenous finance organization , weigh more than general larceny measurement of penalty .

  16. 法官必须有合法的理由方可偏离根据判刑准则所确定的量刑范围.

    If the judge departs from the sentencing guideline range he must have a lawful reason for such a departure .

  17. 之后,法庭将要求出具裁决前调查报告,报告将在四周内返回。六周后进行裁决前调查报告简述会,八周后宣布量刑结果。

    Then they will order a pre-sentencing investigation report , " returnable in four weeks . " That will be followed by a briefing on the pre-sentencing investigation report six weeks from now and " eight weeks from now we will have sentencing . "

  18. 按照以往的量刑标准,谋杀罪最少被判15年。BrianBarker法官的最少9年已经是某种程度的法外开恩,但却并不表示宽容。

    Against the usual tariff , which starts at 15 years for murder , Judge Brian Barker ` s minimum of nine years may reflect a degree of temperance but it does not reflect mercy .

  19. 关于我国量刑建议权的若干问题思考

    Several issues of the proposal right of sentence discretion in China

  20. 自由刑量刑监督制度之完善

    Amelioration of the Supervisory System of Sentencing the Penalty against Liberty

  21. 这三个基础是酌定量刑情节存在和发展的源泉。

    These foundations are the source of its existence and development .

  22. 第五章是信用证诈骗罪量刑问题死刑问题研究。

    The fifth chapter is credit fraud death penalty research problems .

  23. 第四章,单位共同犯罪的量刑问题研究。

    Chapter four analyzes the sentencing of joint crime by units .

  24. 酌定量刑情节若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems of Discretion in Light of Penalty Circumstance

  25. 当地法律所规定的量刑有点太严厉。

    The sentence prescribed by local laws seemed far too harsh .

  26. 量刑建议权从本质上属于公诉权。

    The power of sentencing suggestion belongs to the right of prosecution .

  27. 最后论证两大法系国家的量刑建议权制度及其启示。

    Discusses the foreign sentencing recommendation system and its inspiration .

  28. 论同罪个案间的量刑均衡&由二审对量刑不当案件改判引发的思考

    On the Balance of Penalty Measurement between Cases of the Same Nature

  29. 实现量刑均衡要从多个方面着手。

    There are a lot of ways to realize balance .

  30. 陛下,任何罪名都有适当的量刑。

    Your majesty , for every crime there is a fitting punishment .