
  • 网络Universal jurisdiction
  1. 普遍管辖原则辨误

    On the Mistakes about the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction

  2. 论普遍管辖原则的适用条件

    On Application Conditions of Principle of Universal Jurisdiction

  3. 普遍管辖原则研究民事裁定概念解析

    Research on Principle of Universal Jurisdiction Analysis of the Definition of Civil Ruling

  4. 普林斯顿普遍管辖权原则;

    Princeton principles on universal jurisdiction ;

  5. 普遍管辖原则研究

    Research on Principle of Universal Jurisdiction

  6. 其中,普遍管辖原则尚未得到国家的普遍承认,但已经受到了广泛关注。

    Though the universal jurisdiction has not yet received universal recognition , it is getting growing attention .

  7. 我国刑法中的普遍管辖原则&刑法第9条的法理解释

    The Principle of General Administer in Chinese Criminal Law & Legal Explanation to the Ninth Rule in Criminal Law

  8. 第一部分着重探讨普遍管辖权的基本问题,包括普遍管辖权的概念和性质。

    The first section explores the basic problem of universal jurisdiction , including the concept of universal jurisdiction and its character .

  9. 在《总则》部分增设普遍管辖原则,尤其应引起重视。

    Particular Importance should be attached to a universal jurisdiction principle to be provided additionally in the section of the General Provisions .

  10. 此类冲突的解决涉及行使普遍管辖权的原则问题。行使普遍管辖权的基本原则包括不能或不愿原则、在场原则等。

    Such mechanism refers to the principles of universal jurisdiction , including that of " unwilling or unable " and " be present " .

  11. 普遍管辖原则是国际刑事管辖领域确立刑事管辖权的重要原则,是国际刑法的一项特殊原则。

    The principle of universal jurisdiction is the most important principle to establish international criminal jurisdiction . It is a unique principle in international criminal law .

  12. 第一章是普遍管辖原则的导论,介绍了管辖权的基本理论,以作为后文论述普遍管辖原则确立必要性的基础。

    The first chapter is the introduction to the principle of universal jurisdiction introducing the basic theory of jurisdiction which formed a basis for the later discussion .

  13. 该章论述了六个问题:第一,国际刑事管辖原则,即属地管辖原则、属人管辖原则、保护管辖原则和普遍管辖原则。

    Six issues are discussed in this chapter . 1 . The international criminal jurisdiction principle , which comprises territory , nationality , protection , and universal jurisdictions .

  14. 其次,应当对公海管辖权进行适当的调整,主要体现在船旗国专属管辖和普遍管辖这两个方面。

    Second , the jurisdiction in the high seas should be adjusted , the exclusive flag State jurisdiction and universal jurisdiction should be based on the current changes .

  15. 在习惯法方面,主要介绍了对海盗行为的处置原则&普遍管辖原则在国际习惯法上的确立过程。

    In respect of customary law , this chapter mainly introduced the process of establishing the disposal principles to piracy in international customary law , which is the principle of universal jurisdiction .

  16. 《刑法》第九条不应被视为我国行使普遍管辖权的法律依据,因为其仅规定基本管辖原则,而并非专门要求我国根据公约规定的缔约国义务行使普遍管辖权。

    Clause 9 of Criminal Code should not be regarded as the legal foundation of universal jurisdiction , since it only involves basic principle of jurisdiction , not the specific provision about universal jurisdiction .

  17. 尽管如此,由于立法体系、法律传统的差异,国际社会仍难以形成统一制度以解决各国在行使普遍管辖权这一问题上的冲突。

    Nevertheless , it is very difficult for international community to establish the settlement mechanism on the conflicts of universal jurisdiction because of the diversity of legislative system and legal tradition in different countries .

  18. 如果找不到适当的国际法庭,一个与案件无关的国家可以根据“普遍管辖”原则决定在其本国法庭提起控诉。

    If no competent international tribunal can be found , a country unconnected with the case may decide to bring a prosecution in its national courts under the principle of " universal jurisdiction " .

  19. 其次通过列举普遍管辖权的国际、国内立法现状和司法实践,以总结普遍管辖权运用中的成功经验和失败教训。

    Then , to summarize the successful experiences and the failure practice , of the universal jurisdiction , the author will set out the international and domestic legislative situation and the judicial practice of the universal jurisdiction .

  20. 有的国家认为普遍管辖权是打击和惩治国际犯罪的有力武器,其有效地填补了传统管辖的不足;有的国家对普遍管辖权采取排斥态度。

    Some countries believe the universal jurisdiction is a powerful weapon in the punishment of international crimes as well as making up the deficiencies of the traditional jurisdiction , some countries take rejective attitude toward the universal jurisdiction .

  21. 作者认为,国际刑事法院的普遍管辖权体现了自由主义国际秩序的基本价值,是当代国际法治从威斯特伐利亚法治模式向自由主义法治模式转变的重要标志。

    The author argues that the universal jurisdiction of the ICC reflects the primary value of the liberal international order , and the ICC represents a shift from a Westphalian to a liberal-legalist model of international rule of law .

  22. 普遍管辖原则的适用还应当要求嫌疑人或被告人与法院地国之间不存在关联因素,并且法院地国又没有将其引渡给他国。

    It is further pointed out that the application of the universal jurisdiction principle requires that there should be no link between the accused and the state of forum , and the accused will not be extradited to other countries .

  23. 第二部分通过考证现有的国际条约,以确定普遍管辖权的范围。作者选择几个在国际上具有广泛影响的案例进行分析,探讨普遍管辖权与国际法规范之间的冲突的表现及原因。

    The second part is to discuss the scope of universal jurisdiction through the analysis on the international cases which have important influence over the world , and to explore the conflict between universal jurisdiction and the traditional international law .

  24. 尽管两部公约均对海盗行为规定了普遍管辖原则,但是由于规定本身的不足和各国国内法的不完善,使得对于海盗行为的普遍管辖并未落到实处。

    Though the two conventions both provided the principle of universal jurisdiction on piracy , due to the imperfection of the provision itself and the domestic law of some countries , the universal jurisdiction on piracy has not been properly implemented .

  25. 针对普遍管辖原则实施的障碍,我国应在实体法和程序法两方面进一步完善和发展,以利于对国际罪行的行为人进行有效的缉捕和惩治。

    In view of the barriers in implementing the principle of universal jurisdiction , both substantive law and procedure law should be further perfected and developed to be favorable for conducting effective arrest and punishment against the actor of international crime .

  26. 作者从国际刑事法院的成立及其背景分析了国际刑事法院普遍管辖权的特点及其意义,并根据国际社会法治的3种模式,探讨了国际刑事法院普遍管辖权与自由主义国际秩序的关系。

    This article examines the universal jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) from different perspectives , and explores the inherent relations between the ICC and the liberal international order by contrasting three models of global rule of law .

  27. 本章围绕《海洋法公约》和《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》中海盗行为定义和普遍管辖权原则展开分析。

    This chapter mainly makes analysis of the definition of piracy and the principle of universal jurisdiction prescribed in United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 .

  28. 涉外刑事管辖权的原则主要有属地原则、属人原则、保护原则和普遍管辖原则等,这些原则在各国司法实践中起着重要的作用。

    The major principles of the criminal jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs are : the principle of possession , the principle of the person , the principle of protection and the principle of common jurisdiction , which play an important part in the practice of justice in various countries .

  29. 当前,世界沿海国家普遍把主权管辖海域作为蓝色国土加以开发利用和保护,并不断向大洋和深海进军,发展蓝色经济已经成为世界性潮流。

    Now , normally coastal states in the world take seas under their sovereign jurisdiction as blue lands and implement exploitation and utilization as well as protection accordingly , marching to oceans and deep-sea ; The development of blue economy has become a worldwide trend .

  30. 没有哪一种解释可以普遍适用于每一种案件和每一类管辖法院。根据规约之规定,国际刑事法院对规约所列之享有普遍、强制性的管辖权。

    No words which are of universal application to every kind of inquiry and every kind of domestic tribunal . The Court has universal jurisdiction over the list of crimes in the Statute .