
  • 网络general psychology;GENERALPSYCHOLOGY
  1. 值得注意的是,在美国,一个普通心理学学位和教育学、传播学学位一样,能让学生找到社会工作、市场营销和人力资源方面的工作。

    Notably5 , in the US , a general psychology degree will open doors for students to find jobs in social work , marketing6 and human resources , similar to Education and Communications .

  2. 普通心理学把人类的情感体验划分为情绪和感情。

    The general psychology divides the emotion into emotions and feelings .

  3. 普通心理学研究了影响学习的智力因素和非智力因素,行为主义学习理论推出了程序教学。

    General psychology studies the intellectual and unintellectual factors that influence study .

  4. 普通心理学内容体系规划的新构想

    A new thought about the content system of general psychology

  5. 研究性教学:本科教学的别一种方式&在《普通心理学》教学中实施研究性教学的探索

    Researchful Teaching : Another Way of Undergraduate Teaching & Explanation of Researchful Teaching of " Common Psychology "

  6. 这些研究结果刊登在美国心理学会出版的《普通心理学评论》三月号上。

    These findings appear in the March issue of Review of General Psychology , published by the American Psychological Association .

  7. 本文是对1956&1984年《心理学报》文章的统计和分析,所得结果表明,我国心理学研究中,教育心理学和发展心理学方面的比重最大,其次是普通心理学。

    The analysis shows that the number of monographs concerning educational and developmental psychology is the highest , next come those on general psychology .

  8. 先修课程为:《普通心理学》、《认知心理学》、《细胞生物学》、《遗传学》、《生理学》。

    Before studying this subject , students should learn " common psychology "," psychology of cognition "," biology "," genetics " and " physiology " .

  9. 构成广告心理学课程基础的是普通心理学、消费心理学和社会心理学。

    Advertising psychology is the applications of psychology knowledge and its methods on advertising field , which is also the fundamental course in advertising program .

  10. 普通心理学中的许多心理因素如记忆、思维、想象、情感等在声乐学科中得到了进一步的研究和发展。

    Many psychological elements , such as memory , thought , imagination and emotion are further analyzed and researched in the field of vocal music .

  11. 当前有影响的几种品德结构学说大都是在普通心理学的基础知识和基本概念基础上建构起来的。

    Although we have several main theoretical models of structure of morality , they all rest on the basic knowledge and concepts of general psychology .

  12. 心理学实验是推动心理学研究和心理学发展最主要的手段,因此,普通心理学实验在心理学教育中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Psychologic experiment is the most important way to promote advance in and research into psychology , and normal psychologic experiment plays vital role in psychologic education .

  13. 跨文化心理学正在成为普通心理学、特别是发展心理学的一个重要分支,在中国跨文化心理学的研究具有极其重要的意义。

    Cross-Cultural Psychology is becoming a chief branch of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology . In China , the study of Cross-Cultural Psychology is very important and meaningful .

  14. 但是,这种情况也表现出一些改变的迹象,更广义地讲,这是普通心理学主流的一部分,即定性的方法是富有吸引力的。

    This tendency , part of a broader one in mainstream general psychology , shows signs of change as qualitative methods are seen to be an attractive alternative .

  15. 提出建立全面、分级教学目标体系是推进当前普通心理学课程教学改革的首要任务。

    The author also suggest that setting up an overall and classified system of teaching objective is the primary task to promote the instructional reform on general psychological curriculum .

  16. 尽管我不能控制它,我真诚地希望一些真相正在接近,而不是普通心理学的一部分去影响这些人。

    Although I cannot rule it in or out , I sincerely believe that something real is going on that is not a part of normal physiology to affect these people .

  17. 第一章从普通心理学的角度出发,延展至舞蹈思维的基本概念及分类,并将舞蹈思维中的动作思维和形象思维的相关概念进行了闸述和分析。

    Started from the angle of general psychology , the first chapter outlines the basic definition and classification of dance thinking . Action thinking and imaginal thinking in dance thinking are defined and analyzed .

  18. 普通心理学把情感定义为:人对客观现实的一种特殊反映形式,是人对于客观事物是否符合人的需要而产生的态度的体验。

    In general Psychology , emotion is defined as : people reflect the objective reality on a special form of human beings . For the objective reality meets the needs arising from the attitude of experience .

  19. 本文考察了普通心理学课程改革的成果,进一步分析该课程的性质、地位,指明普通心理学课程的教改方向。

    This article investigates the achievement of current Curriculum reform in general psychology , and makes further analysis about the nature and role of the curriculum , then points out the direction of instructional reform on general psychological curriculum .

  20. 关于操作技能和智力技能形成与发展的普通认知心理学,一直是高校美术专业技能训练课程教学论的基础;

    The ordinary cognitive psychology of the formation and development of the operation skill and the intelligence skill is always the foundation of the teaching theory of the fine arts skill training classes in colleges .

  21. 将一些普通的行为心理学术语引入游戏设计

    Some common terms in behavioral psychology as they apply to game design considerations

  22. 本论文的写作主要结合视觉心理、艺术心理和人的普通心理等心理学相关的理论知识对版式设计的原则和方法进行了研究和分析。

    The writing of this paper is studied and analysed for method and the principle of format design by the method of psychologies such as visual psychological 、 artistic psychology and the ordinary psychology of person .

  23. 本文主要结合视觉心理、艺术心理和人的普通心理等相关心理学理论知识,对书籍设计的视觉轨迹进行研究。

    In this paper , combining visual psychology , the arts and human psychology ordinary psychological and theoretical knowledge of psychology related to the design and visual track of books for research .