
  • 网络Inclusive finance;inclusive financial system
  1. 普惠金融强调要从深度和广度上完善金融体系。

    Inclusive Finance emphasized to improve the financial system from the depth and breadth .

  2. 基于普惠金融视角的我国农村金融改革新方法

    The Research on New Method of Rural Finance Reform in China : Based on Inclusive Finance Perspective

  3. 清远地区农村普惠金融体系构建研究

    Research on Construction of Inclusive Financial System of Qing Yuan Area

  4. 第五章主要研究了加强我国普惠金融基础设施建设的政策与建议。

    The last part mainly studied the policies and proposals of strengthen our inclusive financial infrastructure construction .

  5. 如在印度一样,普惠金融在中国也已经成了一个热门的时髦词。

    Financial inclusion has become a big buzzword in China , as it already is in India .

  6. 第四章探讨了普惠金融基础设施建设的经验借鉴和启示。

    The experience and enlightenment of inclusive financial infrastructure construction was the content of the fourth part .

  7. 第二章研究了普惠金融基础设施建设及对普惠金融发展的影响。

    The second part has studied the construction of inclusive financial infrastructure and influenced the development of inclusive finance .

  8. 第三章是基于金融法律制度视角来对我国普惠金融基础设施建设的绩效进行评价。

    The third part empirical research the importance of our inclusive financial infrastructure construction based on a system performance perspective .

  9. 首先,本文从对经典金融发展理论的回顾出发,继而评述了农村金融发展理论的形成、发展脉络及最新理论成果,并对近几年才出现的普惠金融理论进行了阐述和评价。

    First of all , this paper reviewed classic Theory of Financial Development , Rural Finance Development Theory and Theory of Inclusive Financial System .

  10. 通过对整个评价体系的定性分析研究,为我国今后建设可持续性发展的普惠金融体系提供一些方向性的指引。

    Through the qualitative study of evaluation for building the future sustainable inclusive financial system , we can provide some directional guidance for the procedure .

  11. 普惠金融理念注重弱势群体享受金融服务的权利,近年来逐渐被社会各界所接受。

    The idea of building Inclusive Financial system , which aims to protect the weak group 's right to enjoy financial service , is accepted by more and more people .

  12. 本文将商业性小额贷款公司和正规金融机构视为我国普惠金融体系的两个子系统,利用协同度模型测量两者间协同发展的程度。

    We see the commercial microfinance and the formal finance as two subsystems of our inclusive financial system , and use synergy model to calculate their degree of coordinated development .

  13. 第一部分主要是对普惠金融在国内外的实践中比较成功的几个模式进行分析研究,通过对这些比较成功的普惠金融实践的典型案例的分析研究,总结出他们成功的特点。

    The first part is an analysis on the typical cases of the successful inclusive financial at home and abroad , according the analysis , I summed up the characteristics of their success .

  14. 它独特的专门针对低收入群体提供金融服务的性质,使其在帮助国家贫困群体摆脱贫困中具有不可低估的作用,成为普惠金融体系的有机组成部分之一。

    It is its special nature of providing financial services for low-income groups that makes micro-credit play an import role in helping the disadvantaged groups out of poverty and become an integral part of the inclusive financial system .

  15. 首先对国外普惠金融发展较为成功的模式进行了分析,如孟加拉乡村银行、玻利维亚阳光银行等,从中得出对我国普惠金融发展及普惠金融基础设施建设的可借鉴经验。

    This part analyzed the successful model of foreign inclusive financial development , such as the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and so on . Then we obtained some experience and inspiration in developing the inclusive finance and constructing the inclusive financial infrastructure .

  16. 为进一步实现普惠金融的目标,提出现有的金融机构应该改进缺陷,发挥各自独特的优势,与社会型金融企业形成互利合作的网络。

    Following that in order to achieve inclusive financial objectives better , table a proposal that existing rural financial institutions should improve their defects , reveal their unique advantages , to form a net of mutually beneficial cooperation with social financial enterprises .

  17. 普惠金融立足于能有效、全方位地为社会所有阶层和群体提供金融服务,尤其是那些被传统金融所忽视的农村地区和贫困群体提供金融服务。

    Inclusive finance is based on the provision of financial services to all sectors of society and groups effectively and comprehensively , especially those who have been neglected by traditional finance , such as poverty groups and people lived in rural areas .

  18. 最后一部分在上述的研究的基础上,结合我国普惠金融发展中具体存在的问题,根据综合评价指标体系的要求,对于构建出具有我国特色的可持续性普惠金融体系提出一些对策建议。

    The final part is based on the above study , combined with the concrete problems in the development of inclusive finance , to give some suggestions for building a sustainable inclusive financial system at the requirements of comprehensive evaluation index system .

  19. 借鉴国外发展普惠金融体系的经验,提出从服务对象层面,服务提供者层面,市场建设层面,宏观监管与政策支持层面四个层面构建我国普惠金融体系。

    Learn from foreign experience in the development of inclusive financial sectors , made the object from the service level , service provider level , the market development level , the macro-level regulatory and policy support of the four levels of building inclusive financial framework of the system .

  20. 普惠金融是一种以扶贫为目的,为广大的中低收入群体提供储蓄、保险、信贷和信托等金融产品和服务,是一种在传统正规金融体系之外发展起来的一种金融方式。

    Inclusive finance system is a kind of finance for the purpose of helping the poor , for providing the low-income groups of savings , insurance , credit and other financial products and services . It is a financial way that is developed in an unformal financial system .

  21. 对农村地区构建普惠性金融体系的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thought on the Construction of Inclusive Financial System in Rural Areas

  22. 总理还表示,将进一步强化对中小微企业普惠性金融支持措施。

    The Premier adds that stronger measures will be implemented to offer inclusive financial support to micro , small and medium-sized enterprises .

  23. 普惠型金融与现代农村金融制度在本质上是相通的。

    Actually , the modern financial system in China 's rural areas today has the same essence as that of Inclusive Financial System .

  24. 它提出要构建一个能将低收入及贫困群体包容在内的普惠性金融体系,使这部分群体也能得到经济发展、社会进步带来的好处。

    It proposed to build an inclusive financial system , which include low-income and poor groups , make them benefit from economic development and social progress .

  25. 小额信贷最早作为一种具有扶贫性质的功能手段出现,旨在反贫困,实现全人类的共同可持续性发展,属于普惠性金融体系的范畴。

    Microfinance first emerged as a functional means of supporting the poor , which is to realize the sustainable development of all mankind , and belongs to the scope of the Charity Financial System .

  26. 目前,我国正在加快农村金融改革步伐以构建普惠的金融体系,小额贷款公司作为增量改革的产物,以其灵活的经营方式获得迅速的发展。

    These days , we are accelerating the reformation of rural financing in order to construct an inclusive financial system . As a product of incremental reform , micro-loan companies are growing rapidly for their flexible operation mode .

  27. 由于农村经济本身的弱质性,构建普惠的农村金融体系需要构建系统的农村金融政策支持体系。

    Because of the weak nature of the rural economy itself , building inclusive rural financial system need to build the system of rural financial policy support system .

  28. 近年来的农村金融理论研究和实践均表明,应从如何发挥农村金融功能的角度出发构建普惠的农村金融体系。

    In recent years , rural financial theory and practice show that we should build inclusive rural financial system from the view of how to play the role of rural financial functions .

  29. 通过数据资料的收集发现,目前西部地区普惠性农村金融体系建设中主要存在以下不足:客户层面主要存在农村二元金融结构;西部农村中小企业融资困难。

    Date interview find that the current western inclusive rural financial system still have following deficiencies . Firstly , customer level : the financial dualism problem in rural areas , financing of rural small and mediums-sized enterprise .