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  • Ponzi scheme
  1. 就像伯纳德马多夫(BernardMadoff)的庞氏骗局一样,只要他们继续把钱投入市场,一切就都进展顺利。

    As with Bernard Madoff 's Ponzi scheme , everything went well provided they continued to put money into the market .

  2. 不到一个月前,卖空者卡森布洛克(CarsonBlock)指控嘉汉林业是一个庞氏骗局,称该公司夸大了自己的资产,并通过一个不透明的中间商网络欺骗投资者。

    Less than a month ago a short seller called Carson Block accused Sino Forest of being a Ponzi scheme that had overstated its assets and bamboozled investors with an opaque web of intermediaries .

  3. 在已认罪的马多夫庞氏骗局案子中,KP不会因涉及审计其支线基金而受到起诉。

    KPMG will not be sued in a case involving the accountancy firm 's auditing of a'feeder fund'into confessed swindler Bernard Madoff 's ponzi scheme .

  4. 今天,全世界最大金融欺诈案的主谋伯纳德马多夫(BernardMadoff)将得知自己的命运。马多夫设计的650亿美元庞氏骗局令成千上万投资者损失惨重。

    Today , Bernard Madoff , architect of the world 's biggest financial fraud , a $ 65bn Ponzi scheme that ruined thousands of investors , will learn his fate .

  5. 该行还谎称没有直接或间接投资于伯纳德•马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌犯下的500亿美元庞氏骗局。该骗局于去年12月曝光。

    The bank also falsely claimed that it had no direct or indirect exposure to the $ 50bn Ponzi scheme allegedly perpetrated by Bernard Madoff , which came to light in December .

  6. 拉贾那纳姆的律师请求将他关押在北卡罗来纳州巴特纳的一处医疗设施,庞氏骗局制造者伯纳德马多夫(bernardmadoff)正是在此处服刑,他的刑期长达150年。

    His lawyers requested that Mr Rajaratnam be detained at a medical facility in Butner , North Carolina the same location at which the Ponzi scheme creator Bernard Madoff is serving his 150-year sentence .

  7. 2008年,伯纳德·L·麦道夫(BernardL.Madoff)的庞氏骗局崩塌短短两个月后,另一个庞氏骗局的主脑詹姆斯·尼科尔森(JamesNicholson)遭到了逮捕,其位于时代华纳中心第52层的公寓也被查封。

    Just two months after the collapse of the Ponzi scheme run by Bernard L. Madoff in 2008 , another Ponzi schemer was arrested : James Nicholson , whose Time Warner condominium was frozen .

  8. 另有消息表明,与艾伦爵士的担保相反,斯坦福国际银行至少有40万美元的资产牵涉到伯纳德•马多夫(BernardMadoff),即去年12月被控构建了500亿美元庞氏骗局的美国券商。

    It also emerged that , contrary to Sir Allen 's assurances , at least $ 400,000 of SIB 's assets were exposed to Bernard Madoff , the US broker-dealer accused in December of perpetrating an alleged $ 50bn Ponzi scheme .

  9. 从被标榜为骗子,到被指责策划了一场庞氏骗局,Goel被“钉上了”十字架。

    From being branded a fraudster to being accused of running a Ponzi scheme , Goel was " crucified " on the cross of cynicism .

  10. 该协议是托管人埃尔文皮卡德(IrvingPicard)达成的第一个大型和解协议。皮卡德要求马多夫的投资合伙人归还在其供认运营庞氏骗局之前撤回的资金。

    The deal is the first big settlement for Irving Picard , the trustee , in his quest to get investment partners of Mr Madoff to return money they withdrew from his investment business before he confessed to running a Ponzi scheme .

  11. 从法律角度来说,Fairfield可能有辩护依据,因为一家美国法庭在另一个案子中裁定,一家对冲基金顾问集团无需对未能发现庞氏骗局承担赔偿责任。

    In legal terms , it may have a defence , since a US court ruled in another case that a hedge fund advisory group was not liable for failing to spot a Ponzi scheme .

  12. 国债市场通常是个庞氏骗局。

    Thegovernment bond market is usually a Ponzi scheme .

  13. 唐炜臻以及一起被指控卷入庞氏骗局中所有投资者的命运将会如何呢?

    What will happen to Tang and all investors of an alleged Ponzi scheme ?

  14. 现在提供的福利水平已到了负担不起的地步,政府财政是一场巨大的庞氏骗局。

    Levels of welfare provision are unaffordable ; government finance is a huge Ponzi scheme .

  15. 此外,这种公共部门庞氏骗局比私人庞氏骗局更灵活。

    Moreover , this public sector Ponzi scheme is more flexible than a private one .

  16. 然而,这种安排的后果的确具有庞氏骗局的特征。

    However , the consequences of this arrangement do indeed have the character of a Ponzi scheme .

  17. 三天后,男友的父亲伯尼•麦道夫因为布了下美国历史上最大的庞氏骗局而遭到逮捕。

    That was three days before Bernie Madoff was arrested for operating the biggest Ponzi scheme in history .

  18. 她声称自己被解雇是因为她知道整起庞氏骗局的内幕消息,

    Well , she 's claiming she was fired because she had insider information about the ponzi scandal ,

  19. 这正是几十年后庞氏骗局真正开始运转时,被重复使用的一种模式。

    It was a pattern that would repeat itself when the Ponzi scheme got going in earnest several decades later .

  20. 斯坦福于3月被判有罪,罪名是经营庞氏骗局达20多年。

    Mr Stanford was convicted in March on charges that he ran the Ponzi scheme for more than two decades .

  21. 出于恶意,苏联帝国被描述为庞氏骗局,依赖于不断增长的金钱来运行。

    For all its malevolence , the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme , dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money .

  22. 市场担心再有了麦道夫和斯坦福德之后,还会再出现另一个庞氏骗局。

    And worries remain that another Ponzi scheme could be brewing , along the lines of Bernie Madoff or Robert Allen Stanford .

  23. 2006年,有一位潜在投资人怀疑马多夫的基金实乃庞氏骗局,并就此报告了证券交易委员会。

    In2006 , one potential investor actually branded it a Ponzi scheme and took his suspicions to the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  24. 因为它旗下有一个像庞氏骗局那样的基金,它宣称给保险客户们超高的红利,以至于发布良好的业绩,并推动了公司增长。

    Because it ran a Ponzi-like fund , it declared over-large bonuses to policyholders so as to announce good results and promote growth .

  25. 怀疑者反驳称,中国迟早会意识到,他们其实是在一个难以为继的财政庞氏骗局中扮演促成者的角色,最终中方将采取止损行动。

    Sceptics retort that the Chinese eventually will realise they are acting as enablers in an untenable fiscal Ponzi scheme and cut their losses .

  26. 社保计划难道成了庞氏骗局呢?这是不是应了德州州长、热门共和党总统候选人里克佩里说过的话?

    Does this make Social Security a Ponzi scheme , to quote Rick Perry , the governor of Texas and a leading Republican presidential candidate ?

  27. 当马多夫基金遭遇赎回浪潮时,这场庞氏骗局据称马多夫自己就是这么叫的就难以继续了。

    When a wave of redemptions hit the Madoff funds , the Ponzi scheme , as Mr Madoff himself reportedly called it , became unworkable .

  28. 如果你运气够好,从没在这场可能是史上最大的“庞氏骗局”中有过投资,那么恭喜你。

    If you had the good fortune never to have invested in what may end up being the biggest Ponzi scheme in history , count your blessings .

  29. 在一段时期内,就像所有完美的庞氏骗局一样,情况看起来的确如此。但现在水落石出,这个行业并没有创造任何实际价值。

    For a while , like all good Ponzi schemes , it seemed to have done so . Yet it is now clear it added no real new value .

  30. 银行基于完全不足的股本基础的名义回报率来发放奖金的做法,进一步加剧了当前银行业文化的“庞氏骗局”天性。

    And the practice of basing bank bonuses on the ( notional ) return on a wholly inadequate equity base further exacerbates the quasi-ponzi nature of the current banking culture .