- 名local debt

Hainan said that local debt had increased by more than 20 per cent in the 18 months to last December , reaching Rmb170bn , according to Caixin magazine .
The figures for state and local debt are scary too .
Strengthening of local debt management , and boost rural economic development
But now debt of many provinces has exceeded their revenue .
Therefore , asset securitization can be used as a way to reduce local governments ' debt .
The audit confirmed an explosion in borrowing in 2009 when outstanding local debt rose 62 per cent .
The conflicts between clear-sighted and potential rules on local government debt have been a longstanding problem in China .
Critics say the bond-for-loan swap amounts to merely postponing rather than solving the problem of local government debt .
As a financing means , asset securitization plays an important role in defusing the risk of local debt .
This paper gave a deep analysis of the causes of local debt and the impact of risk factors from the status of local government debt risk .
Therefore , the author promotes some policy advice about debt system supply , debt demand restriction and local debts management to prevent the local government debts risk .
The hidden nature and non-standard of the local debt will increase the difficulty of local financial management , accumulating financial risks and preventing the healthy economic development .
By deepening reform and the establishment of a transparent , standardized and effective mechanism for raising local debt , local debt can still effectively serve the local economic development .
More on China 's local debt issues , and the country 's top economic planning agency , the National Development and Reform Commission , says the situation is under control .
The ratio of total outstanding local government debt to annual income stood at around 86 percent in December , which is still lower than the red line of 100 percent .
In the method specifically includes improving our local debt management system , accelerate the improvement of the financial management system , deepen economic reform , accelerate administrative reform and other aspects .
This article also bring forward that it necessary to clear up all the outstanding indebtedness in advance and establish a strict regulation and control system to avoid local indebtedness out of control .
The paper suggests some measures , including establishing the local debt risk warning mechanism , centre government-local government united debt risk supervising system and the urgency treatment system of local debt risk .
So it is the main financial work for the Qingdao local government to study how to use the local debt system to meet the capital need of construction of the Olympic Games projects .
Therefore , it is necessary to analyze the composition , current situation , the causes of local debts and some other aspects , and put forward the corresponding measures to nip in the bud .
The continued expansion of the scale of local debt , there are not only financial risks and financial risks , but also through currency and interest rate transmission , there is also the risk of inflation and economic growth pressures .
Local government borrowing has tripled since 2007 , doubling as a share of GDP to about 30 per cent .
Study of local government debt , you must first theory .
An Empirical Analysis of the Debts of Local Government in Guizhou
Local Government Sustainable Liabilities in China : A Synthetic Analyzing Framework
Speculations about Strengthening Auditing and Management of Local Government 's Debt
A Perspective of the Institution of Local Governments Debts in China
The Local Governmental Debt Risk on Shift Period and Its Guard
Local government debt Division of responsibility and authority Debt management ;
Research on preventing and reducing the local government debt risk