
  • 网络Debt Structure
  1. 研究结果发现,公司的经营绩效以及债务结构对ST公司生存与否具有显著影响,而资本大小以及社会法人持股比例并没有显著影响。

    A firm 's survival probability is positively affected by its operating performance and debt structure , but its size , social shareholder ratio have no effect on its survival chance .

  2. 自1958年Modigliani和Miller提出著名的MM理论以来,关于资本结构研究的文献层出不穷,研究也越来也细化,部分学者开始研究债务结构的影响因素和经济后果。

    Since Modigliani and Miller proposed the famous MM theory in 1958 , literatures on capital structure has been mounted , and studies on it has been more and more detailed , some scholars moved to the influencing factors of debt structure and its economic consequences .

  3. 然而,假以时日,受AWS用于融资购买服务器的债务结构的影响,这股热情可能减弱。

    That could wane , however , as the debt structures that AWS has used to finance its server purchases catch up with it over time .

  4. 上市公司债务结构与债权人保护研究

    Study on the Liability Structure and Creditor Protection of Listed Corporation

  5. 债务结构对创新型企业的成长性存在显著的影响。

    Secondly , debt structure significantly affects the growth of innovative enterprises .

  6. 第三是调整债务结构,实施债务重组。

    Thirdly , debt structure should be adjusted and reorganized .

  7. 合理安排对外债务结构。

    It is imperative to arrange the structure of foreign loans rationally .

  8. 债务结构、政府干预与市场环境

    Debt structure , government intervention , and market condition

  9. 债务结构与非效率投资行为的相关性研究是财务理论研究的重要课题之一。

    A central issue in finance is whether debt structure affects inefficient investment behavior .

  10. 企业的债务结构是企业资本结构中的一项重要内容。

    The firm 's debt maturity structure is the important part of capital structure .

  11. 现金股利、债务结构、现金流量、与现金持有显著正相关。

    Providing cash dividend , debt structure , cash flow have a significant positive correlation .

  12. 国际收支平衡风险增加了,许多国家的法人债务结构调整值得特别关注。

    The risk of balance-of-payments crises and corporate debt restructurings in many countries warrant special attention .

  13. 因此,制造业上市公司应该非常重视债务结构的优化。

    Therefore , manufacturing listed corporation should attach great importance to the optimization of capital structure .

  14. 而债务结构只是一种特殊的资本结构。

    At the same time , debt structure is just a special kind of capital gearing .

  15. 债务结构大幅改善。

    Debt composition improved dramatically .

  16. 三是资产负债率过高,债务结构不合理。

    Third , the ratio of assets to liabilities is very high and liabilities structure is not rational .

  17. 不同的债务结构对经济总量及其增长产生不同的影响,因而具有不同的风险。

    Different debt structure has different impact on aggregate economy and its growth , hence different fiscal risks .

  18. 因此,从理论观点上判断,股权结构与债务结构将会对企业成长性产生影响。

    Therefore , based on the theory points , ownership structure and debt structure will affect the firm growth .

  19. 同时,两家企业还应该改善债务结构,减小流动负债的比例。

    Meanwhile , the two companies should also improve the debt structure and reduce the proportion of current liabilities .

  20. 这说明,股权结构与债务结构的不同特征将会影响到企业的决策行为。

    It shows that the different characteristics of ownership structure and debt structure will affect decision-making behavior of firm .

  21. 基建资产是一项理想的选择,因为他具有长线以及回报不受通胀影响的特点,和退休基金的债务结构相似。

    Infrastructure assets look ideal , because they are long-term with revenues that tend to be linked to inflation .

  22. 内债整理案的实施暂时减轻了政府的财政负担,并使债务结构趋向合理化;

    The reorganization measure temporarily lightened the government 's financial burden , and rationalized the structure of its internal debts .

  23. 研究结果表明:我国电力行业总体水平目前保持在一个较为良好的状态,但债务结构极不合理。

    The result indicates that the electric power industry keeps a good debt level , but has an unreasonable debt structure .

  24. 因此银行应该调整债务结构,丰富融资工具,增加创新性债务负债业务。

    Therefore , the banks should adjust the capital structure , enrich financing instruments , and subjoin the innovative business liabilities .

  25. 其次采用混合回归和横截面回归等技术对我国上市公司债务结构影响因素进行了实证研究。

    Second , the dissertation applies pooled regression and cross-sectional regression to empirically exam the determinants of debt structure of Chinese listed companies .

  26. 债务结构不仅影响自身的融资效率,还会影响上市公司的治理水平。

    Debt structure not only has influence to its financing efficiency , but also has influence to governance effects of the listed companies .

  27. 同时,这些成果中也很少考虑到终极控制权对债务结构的影响。

    In the mean time , there is little study paying attention to ultimate control right which can also influence the debt structure .

  28. 接着,针对我国具体的市场经济环境分析我国上市公司债务结构治理效应的影响因素。

    Then this paper analyses influencing factors of governance effects of debt financing of Chinese listed companies in concrete economic environment in our country .

  29. 在此基础上,研究了资本结构、资产结构和债务结构三个基本概念及其相互关系,并提出了笔者自己的看法。

    I have a talk about three basic conceptions , say , capital gearing , asset structure and debt structure , and their relationship .

  30. 龙滩水电站工程80%的建设资金来源于银行贷款,融资费用较高。因此,必须优化债务结构,减少利息支出;

    More than 80 % construction funds for the Longtan Hydropower Project is loaned from the Banks so that its financing cost is relative high .