
  • 网络bond price;price of bond
  1. Taylor级数估算法估计债券价格的变化

    The Estimate Law of Taylor Progression to Estimate Bond Price Change

  2. 凸性理论,债券价格和收益率之间是非线性的凸性关系,其曲率称为凸度。

    In Convexity theory , the relation between bond price and yield rate is non-linear .

  3. 基于GM包络模型的可转换债券价格区间预测

    Interval prediction for market price of convertible bonds by GM envelopment model

  4. 研究利用GM包络模型预测可转换债券价格的运行区间。

    This paper introduces a GM envelopment model to predict the price interval of convertible bonds .

  5. 提出了一种适用于预测可转换债券价格运行区间的GM包络模型。

    It uses the model to realize the interval forecast for market price of the W convertible bond .

  6. 五大开发商——包括雅居乐(AgileProperty)和恒大地产(Evergrande)——的债券价格已从不到票面价格的四分之三骤升至接近票面价格。

    Their bonds , including those of Agile Property and Evergrande , have zoomed from trading at less than three-quarters of face value to nearly par .

  7. 行业竞争者表示,高盛(goldmansachs)也拥有类似的机制,将自身的债券价格作为对冲基金信贷协议的参照点。

    Competitors say Goldman Sachs has a similar arrangement that uses its bond prices as a reference point for credit commitments to hedge fund clients .

  8. 如果你用谷歌(Google)搜索‘2014年利率将下降’,会搜出一大堆文章,说由于收益率上升,2014年债券价格将会下跌。

    If you Google ' interest rates will fall in 2014 ' what pops up is a whole bunch of articles that say bond prices will fall in 2014 because yields will rise .

  9. 过去一个月,食品添加剂味精生产商阜丰(fufeng)和安全体系供应商中国自动化集团(chinaautomationgroup)等发行者的债券价格已出现下跌。

    Issuers such as Fufeng , a maker of the food additive monosodium glutamate , and China Automation Group , a safety systems supplier , have in the past month seen their bond prices slide .

  10. 当失业数据或国内生产总值(gdp)等经济数据公布时,债券价格会相应波动,这是健康市场的迹象。

    And it is a sign of a healthy market when there are movements in bond prices in response to new pieces of economic data , such as unemployment figures or gross domestic product .

  11. 本文对LFC模型进行修正,并将地震巨灾债券价格信息抽离出来对修正后的模型进行了参数估计,提高了LFC模型的精度。

    The issue price information of earthquake catastrophe bond is pulled out to estimate the parameters of the modified LFC model to improve the accuracy of the LFC model .

  12. 在市场运行过程中,股票市场收益、波动率、货币供应量、居民消费价格水平指数(CPI)等也会诱发市场风险,进而影响债券价格。

    In the operation of real market , the revenue of stock market , fluctuation ratio , supply of money , and consumer pricing index can also cause the market risk and influence the price of the bond .

  13. 对冲基金重要性明显上升的部分原因在于,Citadel及其它对冲基金正越来越多地利用电脑交易模型,进行频繁交易,以此利用债券价格的微小变动,带来了较高的成交量。

    The surge in the significance of hedge funds has arisen partly because Citadel and others are increasingly using computer-driven trading models that make trades very frequently to exploit tiny differences in prices , generating high volume .

  14. 这一信号确实传递到了市场:此后,美联储将实行新一轮定量宽松政策(被称为qe2)的传言一直甚嚣尘上,这推升了债券价格,并助长了对经济的悲观论调。

    That signal was certainly sent : speculation of another round of quantitative easing , dubbed " QE2 " , has been rife ever since , bolstering bond prices and encouraging a gloomy view of the economy .

  15. 模糊神经网络在可转换债券价格预测中的应用

    The pricing model of convertible bonds by fuzzy artificial neural network

  16. 由于投资者减持风险资产,债券价格上涨。

    Bond prices rose as investors pulled back from risky assets .

  17. 债券价格出现下挫,两年期日本国债收益率升至4个月高位。

    Bond prices slipped with two-year yields jumping to four-month highs .

  18. 如果出现了通货膨胀,债券价格也会发生下跌。

    Bond prices can also drop on signs of inflation .

  19. 长期债券价格下跌,银行收益下降。

    Dropping price of bond cause the benefit of commercial bank reduced .

  20. 大多数公司的债券价格是在交易后不久马上就被公布。

    The prices of most corporate bonds are reported soon after trading .

  21. 债券价格、到期期限以及到期收益率的数学分析方法

    Analysis on security price , time , income rate

  22. 债券价格的提高将使利率降低。

    As bond prices rise , their rates fall .

  23. 各种经验表明,可转换债券价格的合理制定是可转换债券市场能够健康持续发展最为关键的因素之一。

    Evidences show pricing is the key character of a healthily developing bonds market .

  24. 利率下降,债券价格就会上涨。

    Bond prices rise if interest rates fall .

  25. 债券价格一般会随债券收益率上升而下跌。

    Bond prices generally drop as yields rise .

  26. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  27. 债券价格的决定因子主要是利率水平及其变动趋势。

    The main determinants of bond prices is interest rates and changes in the trend .

  28. 对于有关各方将达成协议避免违约的预期推动阿根廷债券价格上涨。

    Argentina 's bond prices jumped on the prospect of a deal to avoid default .

  29. 那么结果就是,债券价格大幅上涨且主权债收益率进一步下跌。

    The result would be a large bond rally and further falls in sovereign yields .

  30. 而债券价格跳水,可能对欧洲众多银行以及市场对欧元区的信心造成进一步损伤。

    Plunging bond prices would further undermine many European banks and confidence in eurozone economies .