
lì jí fù kuǎn
  • Immediate payment;prompt cash payment
  1. 请立即付款。

    Payment should be sent by return of post .

  2. 电子代金券更安全,而且可以对农资经销商立即付款。

    E-vouchers are more secure and allow instantaneous payment to the agro-dealer .

  3. 你们应该在货物运到后立即付款。

    You should make the payment right after the goods are delivered .

  4. 请联系开证申请人要求其立即付款并通知我行。

    Please contact the applicant for their immediate payment under advice to us .

  5. 我们立即付款给他,好让他满意地离去。

    We paid him immediately , so ( that ) he would leave contented .

  6. 例2:如果您能立即付款,我们将很感激。

    E.g.2 : We would appreciate it if you would arrange for immediate payment .

  7. 还有其他方面的问题:有更多的企业表示难以碓保客户立即付款。

    There are other areas of concern – more businesses reported problems securing prompt payment .

  8. 他坚持要求对方立即付款。

    He insisted on immediate payment .

  9. 如汇票上规定必须立即付款,则该汇票就被称作即期汇票。

    If the bill must be paid immediately , it is known as a Sight Bill .

  10. 他们要求立即付款。

    They demand prompt payment .

  11. 买方应凭卖方开具地即期汇票于见票时立即付款。

    The Buyer should make immediate payment against the presentation of the draft issued by the Seller .

  12. 即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。

    Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents .

  13. 在即期信用证情况下,提示汇票和正确无误的单据后便立即付款。

    In the case of sight credits , payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccable shipping documents .

  14. 买方凭卖方开具的即期跟单汇票,于第一次见票时立即付款,付款后交单。

    Upon first presentation the Buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight . The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only .

  15. 这件事情让我们意识到,没有发布财务报表是一种违约行为,而且是这种行为可以让你有权,要求立即付款。

    The thing that made us aware that not filing financial statements was an event of default and , therefore , something that would entitle you to the payment immediately .

  16. 只要单据和合同完全相符,贵方一收到全部必要的装运单据,就请立即付款。

    So long as the documents are in full conformity with the contract , you are kindly requested to pay for the shipment immediately after your receipt of all the necessary shipping documents .

  17. 签署验收证书使得卖方有权获得全额和立即的付款。

    Signing of the Acceptance Certificate entitles the Seller to full and immediate payment .

  18. 如果我们不能立即收到付款,我们将对你动用法律程序。

    If we don 't receive payment immediately , we will start proceedings against you .

  19. 如果是见单即付的单据,提示行必须立即办理提示付款,不得延误;

    In the case of documents payable at sight the presenting Bank must make presentation for payment without delay .

  20. 请立即发送您的付款。

    Please send your payment promptly .

  21. 如持票人提示付款,应向被要求付款之人展示汇票,在获得付款后,持票人须将汇票立即交付给该付款的当事人。

    If the holder prompt payment , payment shall be required to show others the bill in payment , the holder shall pay bills for immediate delivery to the party .