
  • 网络Legislative authority;legislative competence;legislative limits
  1. 立法权限是立法机关实施立法行为的基础。

    Legislative competence is the foundation of legislative institution enforcing legitimate act .

  2. 我国现行的税法体系中,对地方税收立法权限限制较为严格。

    In the current system of tax law in this country , the restriction for local legislative competence of taxation is relatively strict .

  3. 完善我国现行税收立法权限体制

    On Perfecting the Current Tax Legislative Authority System in China

  4. 关于我国立法权限划分问题研究

    Research on Problem of Decentralization of the Legislative Authority

  5. 小议当代中国地方立法权限的划分及完善

    On the Improvement of Local Legislation Power in China

  6. 其次,要明确地方立法权限划分的原则和方式,以此完善地方立法权限的划分;

    Then , definitude how to partition the purview of the local legislation ;

  7. 最后还要规范立法权限以避免法出多门的现象,提高外资立法的透明度。

    Finally , normalize legislative power and improve the foreign investment legislative transparency .

  8. 个人因素在决定立法权限时不应起支配作用。

    Personal elements should have little sway in determining the limits of legislative power .

  9. 法律优先原则和法律保留原则是依法行政的内容,也是确定行政立法权限的原则。

    The doctrines of law superiority and law reservation are the important requests in administration by law .

  10. 同时,对于财产征收立法权限的争议也是一个难点问题。

    Also , for the property tax legislation jurisdiction of the dispute is also a difficult problem .

  11. 在西部开发中应正确划分中央与地方立法权限、协调好中央与地方的立法权,西部地方立法机关应突出自己的特色,用好用足自己的地方立法权。

    The west local government should make full use of its own legislation power to embody its characteristic .

  12. 主要论述了确定地方立法权限的原则、划分方式,地方立法现行的权限范围及其存在的问题;

    Mainly discussing the principle and the division way of determining the local legislation scope , its content and problems ;

  13. 本文是对完善我国税收立法权限体制不断思考的结果。

    So we should study how to perfect the system of the tax legislative power from the view of law .

  14. 税收法定主义是税收征收的指导原则,在坚持税收法定主义的前提下,合理界分中央和地方的税收立法权限。

    Under the precondition of this supreme guidance , legislation power on taxation should be clarified between central government and local .

  15. 行政立法权限及其制度化研究应通过加强行政执法队伍建设,实现行政自由裁量制度化、行政监督机构权威化等途径推进行政自由裁量权内部约束机制的创新。

    The innovation of the mechanism includes strengthening of administrative group , the institutionalization of jurisdiction , the authorization of law enforcement agency .

  16. 立法权限划分不明晰,使地方立法始终处在无为或越权的两难选择之中。

    The legislative authority is so unclear division that local legislation is always at the dilemma of not to do or ultra to do .

  17. 对比分析了中西方国家的税收立法权限,同时从《立法法》的角度提出了完善我国税收立法权限的构想,即在《立法法》中补充规定不可授权的事项范围。

    This article analyzes the power-controlled and right-guaranteed constitutional theoretical principles in the tax legislation , and suggests the concrete thoughts of tax legislation perfection .

  18. 分析其原因,主要是地方立法权限的范围不够明确,地方保护主义的立法观念的存在,立法监督机制不完善。

    Its analysis of the main reasons for the local legislative authority of the lack of clarity , local protectionism concept of the existence of legislation , legislative oversight mechanisms imperfections .

  19. 在此种情况下,由于管理事项的相似性,在中央与地方的立法权限当中有大量的事项产生重叠。

    In such circumstances , because of the similarity of administrative affairs at the central and local legislative authority , there was much duplication in the central and local legislative powers .

  20. 但是受地方立法权限的限制,广东省流动人口管理与服务立法未能从根本上摆脱户籍制度的桎梏,为流动人口提供的公共服务内容有限。

    But due to limitation of in legislation right , Guangdong provincial legislation can not avoid the constraint of House Holding System and can only provide limited public service for the floating population .

  21. 它们的立法权限于制定地方性行政法规而不是法律。所以我们说地方人大的立法权限是相当有限的。

    Their legislative powers only mean the power to formulate and promulgate the local administrative regulations other than laws . So we say the legislative competence of local People 's Congress is rather limited .

  22. 法律的合法冲突主要由四个方面的因素而引发:一是立法权限不明确,导致法律规范之间的合理冲突;

    The legal conflicts in law are triggered in the main by factors of four kinds : the first is the uncertainty of legislative power which gives rise to the rational conflicts among the law forms ;

  23. 然而,本规章存在与民法基本法相冲突、超越部门立法权限以及立法技术不完善等方面的欠缺。

    However , the establishment of the rule goes somewhat beyond the departmental legislative power , the rule lacks legislative technique in many respects and some articles in the rule are in conflict with the Civil Law .

  24. 立法权限划分直接关系到国家法制体系的统一、中央与地方、地方与地方之间关系的处理以及法治建设的成败。

    Legislative jurisdiction compartmentalization directly counts for the unity of national law system , the relationship between the central authority and districts and the relationship among different districts , as well as the success of the construction of legal system .

  25. 第二部分我国中央与地方合理划分税收立法权限的必要性和可行性系统地研究论证了单一制下的社会主义中国中央与地方税收立法分权的客观必要性、理论可能性、和现实可行性。

    The third part is the comparable research on the different models about the division of legislative authority of taxation between central and local government in different states , and draws some conclusions useful for China 's tax legislative power-sharing system .

  26. 随着我国立法权限划分体系日渐具体化、明晰化和定型化,其运行的总趋势将是:纵向立法权限将在加强中央统一立法的基础上,向地方适度分权,并作双向调整。

    As the decentralization system of legislative authority increasingly specify and clarify and finalize , the general operation tendency is : longitudinally , legislative authority shall properly decentralize the power and adjust in bi-direction based on reinforcement of central united legislation ;

  27. 然而,我国目前的税收立法权限纵向配置不甚合理并引发了一系列问题,这些问题的存在,已经成为了影响我国财税体系功能发挥、制约地方经济社会发展的瓶颈。

    However , the current tax legislative authority vertical configuration is not reasonable and caused a series of problems , these problems have affected our tax system and has become the " bottleneck " of the development of local economic and social .

  28. 这种局限性在于,它无力解决地方性法规立法权限在规范层面上的界限模糊问题,也无法适用所有的地方性法规立法权限不清的问题。

    There are the limitations that it is unable to solve the ambiguous boundary problem of local regulations legislative power on the normative level , that it also cannot be applied to all problems on the ambiguous boundary of legislative authority about the local regulations .

  29. 教育立法的权限划分包括教育的立法主体、立法权限形式以及立法权限内容三部分。

    The education legislation rights mean legislative subjects , legislative right form , and legislative right content .

  30. 可以说,美国高校董事会制度在立法、权限、人员构成等方面已经形成了一系列比较完善的制度,其中许多经验值得我们借鉴。

    American University Board of Trustees has formed complete system in the legislation , rights and personnel , in which much experience can be borrowed for China .