
  • 网络Presidents of Zambia
  1. 不幸的是,赞比亚总统利维·姆瓦纳瓦萨上周遭受了一次打击;

    It is unfortunate that Zambia 's president , Levy Mwanawasa , suffered a debilitating stroke last week ;

  2. 在赞比亚,总统候选人迈克尔•萨塔(MichaelSata)去年曾威胁称,如果他当选,将赶走中国投资者。中国在赞比亚铜矿资产中有着重大利益。

    In Zambia , where China has significant copper mining interests , Michael Sata , a presidential candidate , last year threatened to chase away Chinese investors if elected . He lost the election .

  3. 迪戴莫斯说,我应该写上赞比亚前总统肯尼思卡翁达(KennethKaunda)在该国缩减开支多年后所说的话:药力太强也会害死病人。

    Didymus said I must write what Kenneth Kaunda said after years of cuts in Zambia : The medicine was so strong it killed the patient .