
zàn shǎng
  • appreciate;admire;admiration;recognize;applaud
赞赏 [zàn shǎng]
  • [appreciate] 赞同,欣赏,钦佩

  • 得到人们的赞赏和高度评价

赞赏[zàn shǎng]
  1. 人们都赞赏他的品格。

    People all appreciate his integrity .

  2. 熟悉IBMSupportAssistantV3.0的用户将会对改进的GUI体验、产品新闻源访问、案例管理功能和内置向导式故障排除程序大加赞赏。

    Users familiar with IBM Support Assistant V3.0 will appreciate the improved GUI experience , access to product news feeds , case management features , and built-in guided troubleshooter .

  3. 他十分赞赏毕加索的早期画作。

    He is a great admirer of Picasso 's early paintings .

  4. 她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。

    She was used to receiving admiring glances from men .

  5. 她这位艺术家的作品令我赞赏不已。

    She 's an artist whose work I really admire .

  6. 她在选拔赛中的表现得到了赞赏。

    She won admiration for her comportment during the trial .

  7. 他的作品赢得了评论家的赞赏。

    His work won him plaudits from the critics .

  8. 公司对我的努力十分赞赏。

    The company was very appreciative of my efforts .

  9. 对于他们处理调查的方式我们唯有赞赏。

    We have nothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation .

  10. 我赞赏她非把事情弄清楚的决心。

    I admire her determination to get it right .

  11. 他对你的工作十分赞赏。

    He speaks very favourably of your work .

  12. 他阐述观点明确,值得赞赏。

    He made his points with admirable clarity .

  13. 我不同意她的意见,但是我赞赏她恪守原则。

    I don 't agree with her , but I admire her for sticking to her principles .

  14. 她很受赞赏。

    She was greatly admired .

  15. 评论家对于她在电影《秋日奏鸣曲》中的表演大加赞赏。

    The critics rhapsodized over her performance in ' Autumn Sonata '

  16. 尽管他的成就不怎么激动人心,可依然备受赞赏。

    His achievements , though hardly exciting , were widely admired .

  17. 我们认为被称作“保守分子”是对我们的一种赞赏。

    We consider it a compliment to be called ' conservative '

  18. 他在盘问几位部长时表现出的问案技巧为他赢得了赞赏。

    He won admiration for his forensic skills in cross-examining ministers .

  19. 大多数聚精会神听讲的观众都对这些观点表示赞赏。

    The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments

  20. 那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。

    It was a courageous decision , and one that everybody admired .

  21. 问题都已解决,对此我们表示赞赏。

    We are pleased that the problems have been resolved

  22. 奥特肖多年来对你一直高度赞赏。

    Ottershaw 's been singing your praises for years

  23. 发出一阵赞赏的低笑声。

    There is a murmur of appreciative laughter

  24. 布赖恩吹口哨以示赞赏。

    Brian whistled in appreciation .

  25. 她的嘉许就是我所能得到的最高赞赏。

    Her approval was the highest accolade that I could have received .

  26. 他的行为赢得了首相的赞赏。

    His conduct earned the commendation of the prime minister .

  27. 经理用非常赞赏的话提到了你的工作。

    The director referred to your work in glower terms .

  28. 我们都赞赏她的幽默感。

    We all admire her sense of humour .

  29. 他对拜伦的诗歌相当赞赏。

    He praised byron 's poems pretty highly .

  30. 不要忘记一个人最伟大的情感需要是受人赞赏。

    Don 't forget that a person 's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated .