
  • 网络Zambezi;zambezi river;Zambesi
赞比西河 [zàn bǐ xī hé]
  • [Zambezi River] 非洲中南部和东南部的河流,流经安哥拉、赞比亚、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳、津巴布韦和莫桑比克,注入印度洋,全长3540公里,是非洲第四大河

  1. 赞比西河独木舟,赞比亚1997年ChrisJohns摄拂晓的光芒照亮了一条穿过非洲赞比西河的道路,赞比亚的村民象往常一样上路——在一个独木舟中。

    June 20 , 2001 Zambezi River Canoe , Zambia , 1997 Photograph by Chris Johns " The fire of dawn lights a path across Africa 's Zambezi River , where villagers in Zambia travel as they always have - in a dugout canoe .

  2. 赞比西河流域项目(赞比西河项目)

    Zambezi River Basin Project ( Zambezi Project )

  3. riversdale则考虑用驳船运载煤炭沿赞比西河而下,直至贝拉港该公司计划在那里兴建港口设施。

    Riversdale is looking at shipping coal on barges down the Zambezi to Beira , where port facilities are planned .

  4. 他们沿着赞比西河河岸跋涉了三天。

    They trekked for three days along the banks of the Zambezi .

  5. ——摘自1997年《国家地理杂志》10月号《赞比西河》

    From " Down the Zambezi , " October 1997 , National Geographic magazine

  6. 赞比西河位于津巴布韦和赞比亚边界上的一个瀑布;季节性的减少。

    A waterfall in the Zambezi River on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border ; diminishes seasonally .

  7. 在南非赞比西河流域中游地区实现种粮农民与野生动物的平衡共存并非易事。

    Achieving a balanced coexistence in southern Africa 's Mid-Zambezi Valley between subsistence farmers and wild animals can be tricky .

  8. 太特已成为赞比西河上的一个贸易支柱,酒吧不是这座莫桑比克偏远城镇唯一兴旺的事物。

    And the bar is not the only thing booming in this remote Mozambican town , which grew up as a trading post on the Zambezi river .

  9. 大峡谷的主体部分来自非洲,延伸自红海穿过埃塞俄比亚,横跨两岸的肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、马拉维到莫桑比克的赞比西河流域下游。

    The main section of the valley in Africa continues from the Red Sea across Ethiopia and across Kenya , Tanzania , and Malawi to the lower Zambezi River valley in Mozambique .

  10. 随着南非政治稳定的到来,赞比西河打开了通往这个大陆更多区域的道路选自“赞比西河向下”国家地理杂志1997年10月

    With the coming of political stability in southern Africa , the Zambezi opens the way to some of the continent 's most unspoiled reaches . " - From " Down the Zambezi , " October 1997 , National Geographic magazine