
  • 网络Namib;namib desert
  1. 箭袋树,纳米比亚的纳米布沙漠

    Quiver tree , Namib desert , Namibia

  2. 纳米布沙漠最引以为傲的就是它干燥的气候和晴朗的天空,这里有来自世界各地的观星者。

    The Namib Desert boasts dry weather and pristine skies and it is no surprise that the area has become popular with stargazers worldwide .

  3. 最精彩场面在南是宏伟的鱼河峡谷和Sossusvlei纳米布沙漠地区的。

    Highlights in the south are the grandiose Fish River Canyon and the Sossusvlei region of the Namib Desert .

  4. 今年比赛中的其他照片展示了从纳米布沙漠到冰冷的西伯利亚荒野、野生动物、文化以及城市街道场景的风景。

    Other images in this year 's competition showcased landscapes from the Namib desert to icy wilds of Siberia , wildlife , cultures and urban street scenes .

  5. 好吧,如果这些噩梦吓到了你,也许你应该远离卡曼斯科——一座位于纳米比亚南部的纳米布沙漠中的幽灵之城。

    Well , if those dreams terrify you , perhaps you should stay away from the ghost town of Kolmanskop in the Namib Desert in southern Namibia .